How to tell if a projector lamp is life expired?


Oct 29, 2017
Apologies if this is in the wrong section.

At work, we've discovered a box of Epson projector lamps - about 16 in total. All of them are in their individual boxes but none of them appear to be the right model for the 2 Epson projectors we have.

What's odd is that they're all in full original packaging, but every single box has been opened in the past. So I have no idea what model of projector they're for but also whether they've ever been used or not.

Does anyone know how I can find out whether these are brand new or whether they're life expired ones that have been weirdly meticulously repackaged?
If anyone can help me find out which model they're for too, that would be amazing.


If a lamp is used for a long time...

If a lamp is used for a long time, you should see some differences. You may check these helpful videos:
