How to test if graphics card is failing?

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Nov 1, 2013
Can any one explain a diagnostic for a GPU, specifically ASUS Geforce 1060 6 GB? I am getting constant game crashes with the : Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered error. I have updated drivers, pulled hardware and reinstalled, etc and having same problem. Outside of gaming there are no issues.

Thank you,
That error happens when the windows/driver is faulty or the BIOS/Factory OC is faulty. Use DDU and test with a medium underclock using MSI Afterburner. (-100Core/-200Mem)

As for testing it, you use another system. A friend, family member, repair shop, etc.
Can you be more specific for correcting the driver error. I have used ddu to unistall GPU drivers and reinstalled with ge force experience. I have done everything but a clean install of windows and I am at a loss, I can not play any games at all with out crashing with in a few mins. Thank you again.

PS All settings are factor settings.
Delta is not terrible, it's not great but not terrible. Can you try a non game stress test for the videocard? I'm thinking something like Catzilla. The purpose is to see if putting a load on the videocard triggers the problem, no matter which kind of load it is. Gaming is one type of load, stress tests are another.

It could be that under load your PSU is failing to keep up with the increased power demands.

Another test I'd try, test your games capped at 60fps then again at 30fps. Does that help?
Hardware issues aren't related to software issues. Something is causing that driver to stop responding. Check windows event viewer and look for that error, and see what it's doing.

In the past, windows updates have really messed with nvidia drivers that worked good before, so you could try using a prior (2 or 3 versions backwards) driver. Personally, I've seen some ppl have issues with GeForce Experience. It's a standalone app, you don't need it for the drivers to work.
A Windows reinstall is usually warranted when you've installed/uninstalled a lot of things since the last Windows clean install. Windows can get gummed up. It probably won't help if you've recently installed Windows or haven't really been installing new things that much.

I second the idea of installing videocard drivers ONLY. Extra junk, like Geforce Experience, can be added later. The idea is to always keep each step as simple as possible, so troubleshooting is simpler. The more things you install at once, the more potential problems you can have at once.
I did just install the driver when I rolled it back to a previous version before the errors started happening. That did not help. Then I used DDU, and then GFE to reinstall the latest drivers. But I can try. Tomorrow I will try to get on my personal files isolated to get a clean install.

Does this seem like a hardware issue?
Not from everything I've seen. Before doing a full install, have you done anything to actually clean out all the junk windows and the registry builds up.? Many ppl will warn about registry cleaning, solid advice, but I've used the registry cleaner in CCleaner (left at stock settings) for years and never once had to do a full clean install, and I'm fully updated after a Win7Pro-Win10Pro free update. Going through the pc, removing all the junk files, cache files, registry orphans can do a lot for speeding up and streamlining windows, and also removes potential conflicts.
I dont not have a copy on windows 7.

I did do a complete reinstall of windows 10 and wiped everything. Got the same error after fresh installation on ESO within a few mins.

Is there ANYTHING anyone else can recommend I am desperate!!!

Can you be more specific on how to do that? I got the software recommended but not sure where I should be looking.

On a side note, I am trying to update the BIOS (two years old) but it says ASUS should use winflash (, but when I download winflash and run it, wont run without ATK Drivers. Can anyone shed some like where I can find that so I can update the BIOS?

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