How to test the hardware


Apr 20, 2013
I went to the computer shop for testing my PC (because it had smell) and after few days of test the man reported to me that he tested every of my components seriously -- Mobo, PSU, RAM etc... All tested and he reported to me that the PSU, mobo as well as the hard drives are aging and going to fail.

He avoided telling me how he did the test. He said they had their software and techniques, but refusing to talk about the details. I know it's their business secret

OK now, everything is fixed and past but I still want to learn about how to test each of the hardware

CPU Processor
Mechanical Hard drive

I swear never to take my PC to those shops again and I am now very eager to learn everything on my own. because I never received satisfactory service after spending hundreds of bucks

You can stress test your CPU with Prime 95 (choose small FFT test), RAM with memtest86, HDD/SSD Crystal Disk Mark.

For GPU you can use Furmark, and for the PSU Unigine Heaven /3D Mark to stress your entire pc so your PSU works at its max requirement, combined with HWInfo or similar to get a report on your PSU behavior.

hi what is GPU??
I found it a bit unlikely they were all falling but it could have been possible

For testing
Cpu something like prime 95
Ram memtest x86
Hdd can be checked with any progam that can read the drives SMART value's like speccy
Theres no real test for a motherboardboard or disk drive other then seeing if you have any sort of issue with them

Power supplys can be tested with a stress test and checking out the voltages produced by it to see if they are within atx spec. But this doea not guarantee how long it will last they could be withn spec and the unit fail a week later

As for your ssd you can check the drives SMART value's too but ssds are extremely rugged and last a LONG time