How to transfer everything from Laptop HDD to desktop

Yohannes Harry

Aug 4, 2013
My laptop wont wont charge nor will it turn on while its plugged in anymore. I am pretty sure the power unit or whatever you want to call in the laptop shot the shit. Anyways I took out the hard drive from my laptop because i have a lot of work documents on there and i plugged in the laptop hard drive and connected it to my desktop through a sata cord.

When i turn on my desktop the laptop hard drive pops up, but the only problem obviously is i cant access anything in the hard drive from my desktop. it just pops up as "reserved storage" i believe it says and instead of being 1TB it says its only like 2 GB or something i cant recall.

so my question is there any way to access my laptop hard drive through my desktop if i plug into my motherboard?

any help or advice would be appreciated, thank you.
check in disk management to see how it views the drive. i have done this many times as it is faster than enclosures and such.

there have been times the drive is hidden or at times you have to "take ownership" of the drive to access it. i hate this feature but since win 7 it has to be done a lot.
Ok will do, probably this evening. The laptop was 6 years old when it died (RIP :'(), so I am thinking as much as it would be nice to have another HDD, it might be more trouble than it's worth as I'm told that's really the edge of the lifespan of HDDs. So I will probably just pull all the files from it that I can and then keep it around in case I'm hurting for space.
Thanks Math Geek