How to transfer files from a Dead Windows XP to Windows 8.1?


Jan 8, 2014
Yea, so I have a Dead Toshiba Windows XP Laptop that has my files and I want them in my Gateway Windows 8.1 Desktop. What do I need to do to get them?
Take the hard drive out of the dead laptop. Now pending the hard drive is fine but windows is fubar, get yourself a USB to ide/sata converter. This will let you transfer the laptop files to your gateway pc using the adapter.

If the laptop drive is a sata hard drive, you could also hook it up to your gateway pc pending it has an extra sata port.

Note. this is under the mentality that the hard drive mechanics are 100% fine. Just windows is toast.
Take the hard drive out of the dead laptop. Now pending the hard drive is fine but windows is fubar, get yourself a USB to ide/sata converter. This will let you transfer the laptop files to your gateway pc using the adapter.

If the laptop drive is a sata hard drive, you could also hook it up to your gateway pc pending it has an extra sata port.

Note. this is under the mentality that the hard drive mechanics are 100% fine. Just windows is toast.

I'm gonna go with your idea, but first I wanna make sure it works cause I'm an idiot when it comes to this things. I am planing to buy a Sabrent USB 2.0 TO SATA/IDE 2.5/3.5/-INCH Hard Drive Converter With Power Supply & LED Activity Lights (EC-AHDD) and want to know if it will co-op with the Laptop Hard. Here's a Poor Joint picture of it.
Is this ok? Or do you have a better suggestion?
Listen as I don't want to waste your money. However here is the thing.

If the hard drive is mechanically sound, I mean hardware is totally okay. Then yes, absolutely the adapter will happily work. You have to plug in the laptop hard drive into the adapter. It makes the hard drive like a big usb thumbnail drive.

If the hard drive is fine, Windows on your gateway will install the usb controller and you should be able to see the hard drive in My computer.

I have done this solution MANY times for people who have there laptop get destroyed when they spill coffee on the keyboard.

Please be careful as the laptop hard drive does have moving parts, so set up the laptop on something like a book close to the pc to ensure it doesn't move around. Once it is going, you will be able to easily copy/paste your files over.

I have to say this again, the adapter only works pending the hard drive is mechanically sound. :)