How to transfer files from win7 64bit to win7 32bit

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Jan 7, 2012
I am wanting to transfer files from an HP laptop running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit to a new HP laptop running windows 7 home premium 32 bit.
I have downloaded the files onto an external hard drive, but the 32 bit machine won't accept them.
I would really appreciate some help.
Could be something is screwed up with the external HDD. Here's what I'd do:
1) Connect ethernet cable between computers
2) Set up Internet Connection Sharing on the W7Ult to share the wifi through the cable
3) Turn off wi-fi on the W7Home
4) go to \\<W7Ult-Computer-Name>\C$ on the W7Home
5) Enter <W7Ult-Computer-Name>\<W7Ult-username> for the username, and <W7Ult-Password for your <W7Ult-username>> as your password, replacing the <> stuff with the appropriate information
6) Copy all the files you want
I do a lot of file transfers between 32 bit systems and 64 bit system.
For example I create a xcel spreadsheet on my 64 bit system, copy it to my 32 bit system, edit it and put it back on the orignal system. Same-same for files created on windows 3.11 (32 bit) system transfer to my 64 bit laptop and run them thru a viewing program. On and zero is no different in 32 bit and 64 bit, and that is what a file is made up of - one's and zeroes.
Could be something is screwed up with the external HDD. Here's what I'd do:
1) Connect ethernet cable between computers
2) Set up Internet Connection Sharing on the W7Ult to share the wifi through the cable
3) Turn off wi-fi on the W7Home
4) go to \\<W7Ult-Computer-Name>\C$ on the W7Home
5) Enter <W7Ult-Computer-Name>\<W7Ult-username> for the username, and <W7Ult-Password for your <W7Ult-username>> as your password, replacing the <> stuff with the appropriate information
6) Copy all the files you want
A big thanks to you guys for responding to my dilemma.
I tried to use 'easy transfer' to move the files and got the message"easy transfer can't transfer files from a 64bit computer to a 32bit computer".
As a result of your input I found that just copying the files to the HDD then copy again to new computer worked fine.
Thanks also to killersquirrel11 - I'll try that too - sounds a lot faster.
I'm an old ah heck still trying to come to grips with the basics of this technology, so thanks again to you all.
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