How to turn off Geforce GTX950M graphics?

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Apr 20, 2016
Hi folks,

I was speaking with someone the other day and they mentioned the possibility of being able to turn off/disable the Geforce GTX 950M dedicated graphics card and have it only run when more intensive tasks require it (e.g. video editing).

Could anyone please point me in the right direction on how to tweak the settings of the Geforce card in my laptop (and have the integrated Intel HD Graphics 4600 take over for more basic tasks)?


Greetings, donline:
If you want to disable your graphics card completely, go to Control Panel>Hardware and sound and click Device Manager under Devices and Printers. In the Device Manager window click the arrow at Display Adapters and right-click your GeForce device to disable it...

Greetings, donline:
If you want to disable your graphics card completely, go to Control Panel>Hardware and sound and click Device Manager under Devices and Printers. In the Device Manager window click the arrow at Display Adapters and right-click your GeForce device to disable it.

Alternatively, and less drastically, you can go to Control Panel>Hardware and sound and click NVIDIA Control Panel. Under Manage 3D settings you'll find two tabs (Global Settings and Program Settings) where you can customize which applications should use what graphics engine.


Thanks for your clear and detailed response GreyCatz!
I'll play around and see how it goes :)
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