How to turn off keyboard shortcuts?????


Mar 19, 2017
I am getting mad of pressing keyboard shortcuts and be unable to move anywhere and use the keyboard while playing Minecraft. Before I upgraded to Windows 10, when I was using Windows XP, this problem did not exist.

So, how do I turn off keyboard shortcuts? I can only find the information of turning off Windows Key shortcuts on Google... any help will be perfect for me. :)
The shortkey keys occur when you playing Minecraft only?
BTW I am using Windows 10.

I am not sure about the other games as I currently play Minecraft only.
When playing Minecraft, I hover over a item in a chest and I shift click it to my inventory. then I press ESC to exit the chest.When I want to walk, I just cannot move at all, no matter how hard I try. Only restarting MC can fix the problem. I sometimes bridge by holding right click and shift(and sometimes space), and after building, I cannot move no matter what combination of keys do I press.I turned off CTRL+SPACE, but there are still more shortcuts effecting my gameplay.

Again on Windows XP, this would not happen.

I mean key combos such as CTRL+SPACE, or SHIFT+CLICK(these are the key combos that are effecting my gameplay)
Note: the OS I am using is Windows 10.