News How to Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Plex Streaming Media Server

Your instructions are wonderfully written but I have a few issues with running Ubuntu on my pi4.
First it would not connect to my wifi. I must have typed in my password 6 times. Turned wifi off and on all to no avail. Works fine when I run Rasparian . Had to hardwire the raspberry's NIC to my router.
No VNC. I need to run my raspberry 4 headless so I need to connect to it using some kind of VNC software. I searched in Ubuntu for VNC (which is enabled NOB on Raspberian) and the only software it came up with is Remmina so I installed it on my pi4. When I went to install it on my windows 10 laptop there is nothing written for it. It said that I would have to run an Ubuntu subsystem on my windows 10 PC to use Remmina to connect to my ubuntu running on my raspberry pi. It was just to much work to get one piece of software to work.
Once again thank you for the great instructions but it just will not work for me.
The VNC issue is funny because I had Ubuntu running on a spare laptop and I was able to get VNC to work on that one. I will have to power it up and see what I did to get VNC working and see if I can get it working on Ubuntu on my Raspberry Pi.