how to understand if ur Cpu is dead ?


Feb 19, 2014
I dont know if my cpu is dead but my pc after boots there is no beep and nothing is shown on monitor .
Did you try removing all the ram sticks and starting the system? Do not remove the cpu. I hope you did not mis-read my previous post. I asked you to boot your system without any ram.
Are the cpu fans and led coming on?

if you can't hear a beep then you can force the system to generate one by removing all ram sticks from the board.
If you hear a constant beep or a ram missing beep code, there is a fair chance that the mobo and cpu are working as the cpu is initialized before the rams.

if such is the case, then this could a problem with the display adapter.

yes all the fans and leds are working properly

so i started checking the video card with another pc and it worked correctly
then i checked the psu i uninstalled it and test it in another system and worked.
i did the same with all the memories the hard drives and they were all working correctly,
the only think i cant test is wether its the motherboard dead or the processor dead,
so how can i know if it is the processor dead or the motherboard dead . Every time I remove my cpu everything boot ok but nothing is displayed on the screen and no beep . but when I put the cpu in its position it boots for few seconds and then is dead , it doesnt boot again . But if u have to unplug it will do the same and then nothing .

yes I did . I removed every part like video card , ram ,etc , the only part that remain was the cpu . so I removed the cpu and plug in without cpu then it started booting . after that I put back all the parts except cpu that I removed and was booting but there was no beep nothing was displayed on the screen . Is that my CPU problem ?

dude how is that possible coz it boots noramally without cpu and when I put back the cpu then nothing ? how do u explain that ? In my opinion if it was the mobo then would be everything dead ...
I think that we cannot conclusively say that it is the mobo. For the ram error to be recognized, BIOS has to be invoked so that it can run the POST.
The BIOS will fail to run in both the cases. whether the cpu is dead or the mobo's BIOS chip itself.
Aniii, what do you mean when you say "everything boots up without the cpu". For any boot sequence, the cpu is an absolute must. If what you mean is that all the fans and led come on without the cpu, then please know that that is not a boot, that is just your devices powering up but a boot is when atleast a basic OS can access your hardware and run simple instructions on it.

yes u are right when I said boot, I meant just powering up .. without cpu every part of the pc works properly BUT there is no beep and nothing shown on screen .... then when cpu is back to its position then the pc power up only once then dead .... is the cpu problem if yes , what do u recommend to do ?

yes u are right when I said boot, I meant just powering up .. without cpu every part of the pc works properly BUT there is no beep and nothing shown on screen .... then when cpu is back to its position then the pc power up only once then dead .... is the cpu problem if yes , what do u recommend to do ?
Okay so, your system powers off when you put the cpu in the socket? Like everything starts for a second and then turns off? That sounds like the system is grounding. Check the cpu and it's socket for any bent pins. Also, without it's heat sink installed, an older cpu would likely turn off very fast.

Sadly, The only way to conclusively determine whether it is the cpu or the mobo is to test the system with another cpu or mobo.

yes dude exactly ... no it is not grounding coz I removed the mobo from its case and put it on a wooden surface , its the same thing again 🙁 ... Yes but the pins are on the mobo not on the cpu , so I have to check the mobo for any bent pins .. I also tried without its heat sink and then again the same thing ... so what do u think its the problem ? should I do a delidding to my cpu and change the thermal paste ? what do u recommend ?

NO!! do not go all the way to delidding the cpu....the only way to determine for sure is what I suggested in my last post.

what are your system specs?....I know it should normally be the first question but your problem at first did not seem like it was an information that was required but now I feel we should know that.

Also, have you recently performed something like a BIOS update?

ok , I am not doing anything yet ... look dude this system has been working since 2007 . my motherboard is " GIGABYTE GA8I945GMERH" but the specs are not that well ... about bios no never done anyhing but I have often changed the windows ( original windows was 'vista' , 'XP' " windows7" and finaly before broke up "XP ps3 " .....