How to uninstall just GPU drivers?


Dec 8, 2011
So, I have a all AMD system and I want to properly update to the new beta drivers. How should I go about removing the old ones without getting rid of my USB3 drivers and such? Its driving me nuts cause its a bitch to reinstall those things for some reason.

I have a huge list of stuff when I hit "Custom uninstall" I'm gonna post the list. Can you please tell me what to select to only uninstall my graphics drivers and not all my other drivers?

The list:

AMD Display Driver
HDMI Audio Driver
NULL Driver for AMD IOMMU Devices
AMD USB Filter Driver
AMD SMBus Driver
AMD USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver
AMD USB 3.0 Hub Driver
AMD Stready Video Plug-In
AMD Accelerated Video Transcoding
AMD Drag and Drop Transcoding
AMD Media Foundation Transcoders
AMD Catalyst Control Center

I have an all AMD system (CPU,GPU,Chipset) so I don't wanna mess with anything but the GPU here.

Ok, so I'll put a "X" beside all the ones I have checked.

AMD Display Driver X
HDMI Audio Driver X
NULL Driver for AMD IOMMU Devices
AMD USB Filter Driver
AMD SMBus Driver
AMD USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver
AMD USB 3.0 Hub Driver
AMD Stready Video Plug-In X
AMD Accelerated Video Transcoding X
AMD Drag and Drop Transcoding X
AMD Media Foundation Transcoders X
AMD Catalyst Control Center X

That look good to you?