How to update my drivers for MSI h87 g43?


May 6, 2014
I installed the drivers through USB, then I had found that won't work for some reason, because you have to update the BIOS, because it doesn't ship like that...
Then I updated the BIOS and installed the ethernet driver and it still hasn't worked?
Additionally, I have gone straight to the Realtek drivers site (which is impossible to properly navigate) and downloaded multiple variations of the driver I needed to get the Ethernet to properly work.

Windows 7 32 bit, I've searched all over and I can only find "All OS" BIOS updates for the MB, and it automatically reboots after the updates.
And yes, both a downloaded update of the ethernet driver, and the CD shipped with the MB, neither of which worked.

I've downloaded a couple of variations of those ethernet drivers from the MSI site, and then went straight to the Realtek site to get the drivers, which was like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, and was unable to find an actual driver download... just a damn program that requires an internet connection to properly install an ethernet driver...