How to use 2 Computers


Aug 22, 2016
I have one gaming computer and one other computer thats only good for tasks like internet browsing. When I switch over to my other monitor my game tends to freeze or lag a little bit. Is there some way I could use my keyboard and mouse on both computers, I just want to use one to google stuff while I play video games.


There are programs like "mouser" that allow you to "screen to screen" another computer. It is my experience that the console takes as much or more to run than just having the browser open on the host machine. Unless there is some specific reason you are using the other box, like as a server, etc. then you are mostly just wasting power to do so IMO.
The only realistic way I know of is to use a KVM switch where you plug in your monitor and mouse/keyboard into it and flick a switch on it between which you want to use. I used one of these many years ago for work but not sure what the latest tech is on them.

You might be able to find a software emulator where you can run screen in screen from another computer source similar to the old picture in picture TV days, but I have no idea how those work if they are even out there.
What are the specifics of your two computers?

Normally, attaching a second monitor to a discrete graphics card does not impact gaming.

You should be able to tab out of a game to do something on the side monitor.
I keep email and performance monitors on the side monitor.

If you want to use two completely separate rigs, buy a second set of keyboards and mice.


