How to use a Laptop as A Second Monitor Windows 8


Sep 28, 2013
Hi guys! I am trying to use my Dell XPS M1330 Laptop running Windows Vista as a second monitor for my desktop PC (Running Windows 8), by means of connecting them using a HDMI Cable. however, it does not appear to be working. Any ideas?
The laptop gives out a signal. HDMI, DVI, VGA, whatever.
The old monitor you have accepts a video signal

You just need the proper cable/converter thingy.

I don't think you can as it's still connected to the laptop and being uses as the default monitor for your laptop. A TV or Monitor is just a display while a laptop connected to it's screen isn't just a display but a needed part. You would have to cut the cord between the laptop and it's screen and then with duct tape and a bunch of other stuff that I don't want to mention turn it into a plan display with a port and power supply and switch.

Would there be any other way for me to connect them? maybe through the network?
What about the webcam on the Laptop? would there be anyway for me to detect that as a device connected to the network, and use it?

Nope, nada, no way. Not unless you want to take it apart but then your laptop would be well kinda screwed maybe depending on how you screw it up by taking the display apart.

The end.

The M/M and M/F cable thing kinda confuses me. I made the mistake of buying a M/F Cable for my monitor way back when, assuming that the port for the Monitor was a 'innie'. However, upon inspection, that did not seem to be the case. Following this, I checked out all the other displays in the house. all outies. What devices usually have 'innie' ports?
I believe dell's alienware 17 and 18 models have video input, otherwise as stated above, everyone else is just outputs. You could do like Skype and share your desktop, but that's slow and buggy. But the only thing I know.

2 options. TV with the proper input that matches what's on the video card or go buy a monitor.

Short answer: No
Long answer: Completely dismantle the laptop, figure out what power and video signal comes in over the ribbon cable, duplicate that from a video output from your PC and a power source, write your own drivers that will allow the PC to port the signal to the laptop video in that you modified before.....

Or just buy a new monitor at a yard sale.

I actually have an old monitor, but all I have is an HDMI and a M/F VGA, it does not have a HDMI port, and as I said earlier, it is an output socket.

Plz stop eating the Pot Brownies. :)