How to use AMD GVR?

H. Finner

Oct 16, 2014
Hi there, when I try to run AMD gaming evolved instead of it having the simple record button now there is a

Is there a way to go back to using the good ole GVR?

Going to test this. Haven't used GVR in a while, but if you're now forced to go through, it'd be a good reason to switch to OBS.

I'm not too expert in it, but I know you can set it up to use the GPU's embedded H.264 encoder rather than the CPU, hence making it run like GVR/Shadowplay with practically low to no fps drops.

As a side note, and mainly to answer photonboy's surprise, both GVR and Shadowplay can work on both cards, be they AMD or Nvidia :).
AFAIK, they both use the aforementioned encoder on the GPU, and just put up particular optimizations when possible; otherwise, they simply run the same exact way on both parties.
I believe I saw a review over this site or Guru3D which got them compared, albeit I can't find...
I thought you could hit CTRL+F12 during the game as the default setting to start recording?

I can't test as I own an NVidia card but I did look up some info online.

Also, if you have an INTEL CPU you could try using a program like OBS. If you have an AMD CPU + AMD GPU I think the only hardware decode method is AMD Gaming Evolved (to use the AMD hardware decoder on the GPU).

(If not aware there are several settings you can change for recording such as bitrate of video, resolution, and even frame rate. For example, if posting at 30FPS you may want to record at 30FPS and not 60FPS. You can experiment with VSYNC OFF and showing the FPS which is a setting under "in-game" to estimate how much performance is lost. In some cases if you use VSYNC ON normally it won't affect you at all.

For example, say you can get 75 minimum and drop to 65 minimum FPS but are capped to 60FPS anyway.)
*Got it working even though I have an NVidia card!! (probably used CPU software decode method)

1. Make sure recording is enabled (Home-> Video Capture)

2. Start game (I assume AGE must be running, or else launch from AGE)

3. Should see "Record highlight using F2" (not F12) or similar... *I assume you can disable this notice from settings somewhere.

*I assume you can change the LENGTH as well for the recording.

4. When you stop the game you should see the Plays.TV editor which allows you to view, edit and probably post your video.

The "PLAYS.TV" link is for launching the site to view related videos online it's not a link to recording your video locally.

Obviously I haven't used much though I assume this helps get you started. BTW my video played just fine despite no video card.
Tried these settings on my system (i7-3770K + GTX680):
60FPS, 40Mbps, 1080p

I got a very slight stutter but then I wasn't expecting it to work well anyway since it's using my CPU likely and I thought these settings might be too high. (A racing BENCHMARK is the ideal test since it should show any stutter more easily than most other games.)

Graphics quality was PERFECT (though a hardware encoder might cause slight color offset due to compression).

*One odd thing is that it started recording AS SOON as I launched the game, and when I pressed F2 later to start recording it didn't stop anything. Not sure what's going on there. Anyway, that was FUN but I'm uninstalling the software.

Good luck!
Going to test this. Haven't used GVR in a while, but if you're now forced to go through, it'd be a good reason to switch to OBS.

I'm not too expert in it, but I know you can set it up to use the GPU's embedded H.264 encoder rather than the CPU, hence making it run like GVR/Shadowplay with practically low to no fps drops.

As a side note, and mainly to answer photonboy's surprise, both GVR and Shadowplay can work on both cards, be they AMD or Nvidia :).
AFAIK, they both use the aforementioned encoder on the GPU, and just put up particular optimizations when possible; otherwise, they simply run the same exact way on both parties.
I believe I saw a review over this site or Guru3D which got them compared, albeit I can't find the link at the moment; it was done testing different cards on different games, but with the main 3 software recording solutions that we have today, namely OBS, GVR and Shadowplay.
Barely any differences between them too (1~3 FPS differences)

EDIT: is unneeded, for both Instant Replays and Gameplay Recordings. Basically, they just added up a full integration system, but it still runs via GVR and doesn't require you to have a account unless you want to directly upload stuff.
You can still save everything on your PC, and even upload on YouTube.

The AMD Gaming Evolved app needs to be running with an account logged in (an AGE account, not a one) and needs to have the game you're trying to play in its library. The game must also be considered compatible.

Configuration steps
1) Go in the AGE app's library and make sure the game is there. The app will scan regularly for new games, but you can trigger manual scans or add games manually by the wrench icon on the top right corner (Look for "Manually add a game" or "Scan games" options).

2) Once you found the game, select it, and make sure that the "Track gameplay" checkbox just above the "Launch game" button is flagged.

3) To check for the game's compatibility with recording/streaming, just look below the button mentioned at point 2; there should be up to two icons to indicate compatibility with Twitch and/or GVR recording.

4) Click on the tiny little wrench icon on the top right corner, and open up "Preferences". On the window that pops up, check under the "" category to configure your video recording settings (Instant Replay length, sound recording, replay space, quality, folders, etcetera).

5) Under the same window opened up at point 4, check under the "Hotkeys" category and look for "Record & Replay" keys. Those will be used in game to turn on or off video recording, or to trigger an instant replay.
Leave them as they are or modify them to suit your needs.

6) Press OK to close the "Preferences" window and save the new settings.

7) Back on the main app, go to the "Home" screen once again. Make sure that the video capture options are enabled (Highlight Clips and Game Replay should both be on).

Running steps
8) Launch the game, either by the AGE app or manually (even launching them from Steam/Origin/Uplay works, as long as AGE is running and logged on) and press the hotkeys you found/modified at point 5 to trigger the required recording actions.

9) Once you exit your game, the editor will open up to show you your recordings. To open up the folder the video is saved in, right-click it and select "View in folder".
Should the editor not open, you can open it up manually by clicking the " gallery" button on the bottom right of the app's window.

Thanks Vyna! I'm using the GVR correctly and when I start up a game it auto records it which is great. But when I go to look at the footage, (for example) BF3. There are the different clips, one is 15 min long, the other is 3, and the other is 20 sec. AND they don't link to each other. So confused.... Help?
That's most likely something you have wrongly set, or maybe you pressed the wrong hotkeys by error (happens 😛). GVR can either record automatically (up to a certain file size) as soon as the game starts, or manually as soon as you press the set hotkey.

Try setting it so that it records only when you press the hotkey, and not as soon as the game starts. It should be sufficient to disable the recording option from the home menu (leave instant replay on, disable the other one).

Yep! Manually recording works like a charm! Thanks guys!


I cannot tick the Track Gameplay box above the launch button in Library. The game I want to highlight clips on is Counter-Strike;Global Offensive. In video capture i have both Session Video and Highlight clips on (do you need session video on?) but i just cant tick the Track Gameplay box!

Help pls.