[SOLVED] How to use GPU's performance compeletely, %100 usage?

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Dec 29, 2020
So i saw a video and in that video the man was playing Grand Theft Auto V with %100 usage and he was getting really good performance. I selected high performance on windows power settings and nvidia and still the gpu is at %25-%30 while playing a high end game.
Any help? Maybe the cpu bottlenecks it or something?
Dec 29, 2020
What’s your full pc spec?
What resolution are you running?
What game?
Dying Light open world game with high graphics i think you know it
i7 7700 3.60 Ghz
Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000 Mhz | 4x8 32 GB RAM
GTX 1070 Ti 8 GB
256 GB Corsair Le Force SSD
2 TB Seagate Harddisk
I think these specs would be enough for you to understand if i can use it on %100 or not.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
As a moderator I'm not letting you waste anyone else's time here. This forum is filled with volunteers using their spare time to help people. You have a VERY CLEAR cooling problem and your CPU is throttling. Buy a new cooler and fix that problem before you ask any questions.

Thread closed, and do not start any new ones until you fix your cooling problem.
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