How To 

How To Use Stealth In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

While playing Deus Ex, utilizing the stealth system is going to be key to staying alive most of the time. So how do you effectively sneak up on your enemies? Here's a few pointers to help you to get the drop on your enemy.

Step 1)Effective use of cover to stay out of sight.
Proper use of cover and sneaking up on your enemy in ways they won't see you coming is key, for more tips on how best to use cover, check out my guide specifically on using cover located here.


Step 2)Stay crouched, always.
Any time you are in any sort of hostile environment you should be moving while crouched to keep your noise down to a minimum. The less noise you make while you are moving the less likely it's going to be for enemies to hear you coming. Even if you are hiding behind cover, moving while standing up can make enough noise to give you away.


Step 3)Keep an eye on your mini map.
Not only does your minimap show you where you are located at all times, but it also highlights enemies and their line of sight. Use this to keep out of their line of sight, or get to cover quickly if they do glance your way.


Step 4)Use your augments when needed.
You can become invisible and move completely silently while running when needed, but it is going to cost you in energy when you do. Try to save using your augments to be stealthy for when you really need it, and do things the old fashioned sneaky way as often as you can.


With a bit a practice, you'll soon be moving like a ninja and performing those silent takedowns of your enemies without ever being seen. The bonus to this is the added experience points you'll get for completing missions completely from stealth.