Hello all!
We've been using a 2TB disk drive that was formerly attached to the USB Port of a Netgear Nighthawk modem. Comcast has replaced this modem with a modem which does not have a USB Port. When on the Nighthawk, it was drive letter "U", and could readily be added / seen through either Windows or Linux or, believe it or not, our Smart Phones as well.
What are ways that I can re-add this USB Drive? (We've got 500+G of data that we share among both Windows and Linux laptops.)
The following few ideas come to mind:
Replace this modem with one which does, in fact, include a USB drive ($300) … disinclined to go this route;
Re-connect the Nighthawk as an attached Router (just turn off the Wi-Fi on one of the 2 modems) … But how would we find this drive? Under which sub-net is it visible? Etc.
Purchase an Ethernet to USB extender and attach to the new modem via a spare Gigabit Switch we have lying around … Again, how do we find this drive in Windows or Linux?
Leave a slave laptop up all day and night with this drive attached to it, then Share it … Seems like excessive use of available resources ..??
And / or: any other ideas that are more appropriate, that I'm presently unaware of ..??
Thanks, in advance, for any ideas / assistance that anyone can offer!
We've been using a 2TB disk drive that was formerly attached to the USB Port of a Netgear Nighthawk modem. Comcast has replaced this modem with a modem which does not have a USB Port. When on the Nighthawk, it was drive letter "U", and could readily be added / seen through either Windows or Linux or, believe it or not, our Smart Phones as well.
What are ways that I can re-add this USB Drive? (We've got 500+G of data that we share among both Windows and Linux laptops.)
The following few ideas come to mind:
Replace this modem with one which does, in fact, include a USB drive ($300) … disinclined to go this route;
Re-connect the Nighthawk as an attached Router (just turn off the Wi-Fi on one of the 2 modems) … But how would we find this drive? Under which sub-net is it visible? Etc.
Purchase an Ethernet to USB extender and attach to the new modem via a spare Gigabit Switch we have lying around … Again, how do we find this drive in Windows or Linux?
Leave a slave laptop up all day and night with this drive attached to it, then Share it … Seems like excessive use of available resources ..??
And / or: any other ideas that are more appropriate, that I'm presently unaware of ..??
Thanks, in advance, for any ideas / assistance that anyone can offer!