How to wire my 8 ohm amp and my speakers.

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Jul 19, 2018
Here is my equipment:
Yamaha R-S202BL Stereo Receiver (
Pyle 6.5" in-ceiling speakers (
Yamaha NS-AW150BL 2-Way Outdoor Speakers (

My question is I would like to wire 4 of the in-ceiling speakers for a covered porch and then the two outdoor speakers under the eaves pointing to the yard area and be able to run them separately or together.

So how can I wire 4 in-ceiling speakers to channel A and the outdoor to channel B (that part seems simple to me, wire one to the left and one to the right.

For Channel A I was thinking of running 2 speakers to the left in series and two speakers to the right in series. This would give me 16 ohms but it seems better for my amp than running them in parallel which would cut them down to 4 ohms... Thoughts?
The in ceiling speakers are rated at 4-8 ohms so the safe thing is to assume they are 4 ohms not 8.
You could hook them in series and they will present 8ohms to the receiver. The Yamaha speakers are 6 ohms so may not be safe to use with the others at the same time.
As separate amp would work or you could get an impedance matching speaker selector.
Wire each pair back to the selector which should have at least 3 pairs of speaker outs. They you can safely run any combination. Another option would be to use impedance matching volume controls in each area. These are set to maintain a safe impedance for the receiver and let you not only turn off an area but adjust...
For the best sound, consider a smaller amp for the outdoor speakers like this 100w (50x2) connected to the line out of the Receiver, and connect the Pyle speakers up to the A/B on the Receiver.

IMO best since the Receiver is 100W/ch good match to the Pyles (120w / 250w max), and the outdoor speakers are 35w / 120W max, should be good w/ the 50w/ch small amp.

The in ceiling speakers are rated at 4-8 ohms so the safe thing is to assume they are 4 ohms not 8.
You could hook them in series and they will present 8ohms to the receiver. The Yamaha speakers are 6 ohms so may not be safe to use with the others at the same time.
As separate amp would work or you could get an impedance matching speaker selector.
Wire each pair back to the selector which should have at least 3 pairs of speaker outs. They you can safely run any combination. Another option would be to use impedance matching volume controls in each area. These are set to maintain a safe impedance for the receiver and let you not only turn off an area but adjust each areas volume without having to leave the area. Very convenient.
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