How well will this preform?


May 29, 2016
I'm going to move to college soon, and I can't take my main rig so I'm planning to build a budget gaming pc while I'm there. What games will I able to play with a

ZOTAC ZT-70601-10M GeForce GTX 750

Intel Pentium G3258 / 3.2 GHz processor

8GB DDR3 ram. I'm really only looking to play black flag and Garrys mod. Will this do?
Wait... Please, answer these question first.

Why getting that pre-built? It's OK, but I'm concerned about the Power supply. At least, get something like this:

Where's the motherboard?

You should also be considering the 750 Ti version. Much faster, but only a little bit more.

I'm getting the prebuilt, just for the windows and the hard drive (I might buy a bigger one later but I'm only going to be playing like 4 games) after that I'm just going to change the Processor and the graphics card. As for the powersupply yeah ok.

Don't worry about the Hard drive, my secondary PC runs a second hand 160 GB HDD and it never gets full for almost 3 years. I usually delete useless stuff that I don't use anymore. I keep my photos and videos (all those kind of important media files) on a green 2TB drive.

It is good to note that the pre-built comes with an LGA 775 socket motherboard, while your G3258 is LGA 1150. The processor won't fit on the motherboard.

How about the 750 Ti?
hmm ok, I got a
Intel i5 4460 Quad Core Processor
I think that's good, as well as the 750ti, Will I be able to run the games mentioned above maxed out?
Do you own the processor already ? I own the same and its basically of no use now all games need quadcores sadly this budget overclocker has turned into a stuttering havoc even @4.8GHz however games like dota,minecraft,lol cs go and older titles before 2014 work well and gta 5 will work with some issues if u don't update it newer patches made it unplayable on dualcores and some windows updates even causes overclocking issues resulting in windows giving simultaneous BSOD when opened a game or exceeded around 3.4 ghz.

My old trusty rule goes like this: " Spend more or something that does the job well rather then something cheaper that do doesn't ".

On the other side the i3 6100 is the budget sweet-spot which runs probably anything to date and mostly exceeding an overclocked 2500K @ 4.7Ghz when paired with faster ddr4 memory (2400-2666 Mhz) and mostly gives a locked 60fps and works without any bottlenecks with the 970 or 980 so if u are willing to spend around $60 more ull get something that does well for the price.

[Based on Digital Foundries benchmarks]
@Xtergo quoting won't work for some reason
I have a PC, but it isn't really that good for gaming.I've been playing on a ps4 mostly and this is my first gaming PC, so I'm pretty new to it. Can you suggest another processor?
LGA 775 processors are discontinued these days, you probably have to search for used parts.

You can change the motherboard, but from what I heard, motherboard mountings might not be compatible or might not be the standard. I know 60 pounds sounds good for the hard drive, case and windows. But, you're going to replace most of it anyways.

This costs 300 pounds.

The Case, Hard drive and Optical drive (Optional) is not more than 55 pounds.

You can get an OEM key in for 20 quids. Yes, it's legitimate (I knew that from Paul's Hardware). That totalled 75 pounds, a bit more than the Pre-build, but you don't have to worry about compatibility issues with the motherboard mounting.

What is the point of the old optiplex ? I mean why do u need it ?

i3 6100 , Now we are talking 😉 now get a good motherboard aswell and also get A SINGLE 8GB RAM STICK NOT 2x4GB otherwise in the future when you will look forward to a ram upgrade u will run into problems.
Besides that Asus Gtx 750ti are bad at cooling their VRAM (I own a couple of 750ti) get a gitabyte or EVGA one instead, I am wondering if u are able to get used why not get a used Gtx760 if available on good condition ?

It's not hard at all, if you have studies about some circuits and mumboo jumo in school and you can deal with some screws, and have done things like replacing a bulb ect this shouldn't be a problem at all you need time and patience, best method is to take ur time and look at YouTube PC building guides especially by LinusTechTips and get an AntiStaticwrist strap from amazon just to be on the safe side.


In the box of the i 6100 you will find the CPU it self (carefully hold this and do not drop this or hold it from the bottom side only by the corners let this not scare you) some manual and paperwork like stickers and product into and some plastic wrapping along with an Intel CPU cooler which looks like this:


This is something that would be enough to keep the i3 cool and nothing else, when you buy a case it should come with atleast 1 pre installed fan on the rear an i3 a Gtx750ti (Dont get Asus) all of these are low heat producers which tend to stay cool on high loads aswell no need for something else for now.