M mentalism Reputable Mar 11, 2015 2 0 4,510 Mar 11, 2015 #1 Looking to play games like DayZ, H1Z1, CSGO, Battlefield. What do you think of the build? Getting the parts soon. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kNqyRB
Looking to play games like DayZ, H1Z1, CSGO, Battlefield. What do you think of the build? Getting the parts soon. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kNqyRB
bootcher Splendid Feb 22, 2013 2,630 1 22,965 Mar 11, 2015 #2 Should perform very well, remember to get an aftermarket cooler to overclock that cpu. Upvote 0 Downvote
M mentalism Reputable Mar 11, 2015 2 0 4,510 Mar 11, 2015 #3 bootcher : Should perform very well, remember to get an aftermarket cooler to overclock that cpu. Ok absolutely and if I plan to not overclock for the first few weeks can I just use the stock cooler for a little bit? Upvote 0 Downvote
bootcher : Should perform very well, remember to get an aftermarket cooler to overclock that cpu. Ok absolutely and if I plan to not overclock for the first few weeks can I just use the stock cooler for a little bit?
bootcher Splendid Feb 22, 2013 2,630 1 22,965 Mar 12, 2015 #4 Yes, the stock cooler is good, just not for overclocking. Upvote 0 Downvote