How would I achieve this scenario?


Mar 24, 2008
I have a tricky situation on our farm trying to get wifi to a house that is blocked from the wireless router by a hill. Running wire between the router and hill isn't currently an option but I can run wire from the house to the hill. Also, the powerline devices won't work as they are on separate solar power systems. A basic visual:

(Clear line of sight to the hill from both house and router)

I put a wifi extender at the top of the hill as a test and it gets good signal and I even get good signal from the extender while standing outside the house. Problem is that the thick walls of house 2 are not at all conducive to wifi signal and so the signal inside the house is crap. What types of devices would I need in order to receive wifi signal at the hill and then transfer that signal (wired or wirelessly) to another device that can broadcast wifi inside house 2 (like a wifi router normally would)?

Thanks for any advice
The optimum solution would be a pair of outdoor wireless bridges one on house 1 and one on the hill. You would then use a AP in house 2. You might as well run ethernet between house2 and the hill because you need power for the device on the hill anyway so you have to run some kind of wire.

You might get it to work without a outdoor bridge on house 1 but it depends on how much signal can get out of the house. I suppose you could try it without and then buy a second bridge if it does not work well.

Ubiquiti sell many options some in the $50. It depends how fast you need it to run, gigabit can get expensive.
I have installed DD-WRT onto a spare router and set it up as a bridge which gets it's connection wirelessly from the source router, mostly using the following directions plus a couple of other tweaks:

So now I have a WNDR4500 as the source router and a WNDR4300 set up as the bridge. With a computer plugged into the bridge router I can get online but I can only load web pages for the first 30 sec or so, then I start to get timeouts and DNS errors until I unplug the computer from bridge and re plug, then another 30 sec or so of connectivity. The two routers are very close, and I'm getting a strong and consistent network connection between the two, just not consistent web connection. Any idea why this could be? I'm SO close! :/