How would I connect my PC to a fibre broadband internet?


Jan 14, 2014
So one of the ISP is building fibre broadband into our area and we can decide if we want it to be built into our houses (its costs ofc).
So if they would build it to my house, how would I connect my desktop pc to it. I live with my family and the router, whatever it is that comes with it, would probably be placed far enough so I couldn't connect my pc to it via ethernet cable.
But as far as I know, the internet after it would have arrived via the fibre broadband, it would travel inside our house via the telephone cables. I have a telephone cable outlet in my room, one that we used to connect our old router when we didn't have those handy little mobile hotspot modems.
So my question is, could I somehow connect my pc to it?
If you don't connect your computer with optical fiber directly, you won't see any benefit. If you use wifi, you'll get wifi speeds. If you use 1Gb ethernet, you'll get 1Gb ethernet speeds. Phone line wiring won't do at all.

Here's an article about the subject. The first thing you'll notice is that you will need lots and lots of money.

The costs may come down as the service expands but it doesn't seem that will be very fast. The major problem is there are no 10Gb consumer components so this is a business class setup.
Don't get sucked in just because "fiber" sounds so cool. What speed are they promising you? Are you getting more bang4rbuck?

I doubt they will bring the fiber right to your desktop, then the vendor would be asking you to re-wire$$ your house, that's would be a very bad sales pitch.

Mostly, when they say fiber, they are talking about "the last mile" google for this for its meaning, when it gets to your house, the modem or gateway will convert whatever media it comes in to your inside via ethernet. You inside LAN should remain unchanged, as far as wirings go.


Jan 14, 2014

I've done some more research and as I understand, the fibre would come in to my house at one point where I want it and there would be the modem or something like that, that receives the fibre data and from that modem I connect with ethernet cable to a router and from that router I would need to connect to my pc with a ethernet cable? And of course, If it would be a 1 gigabit ethernet, I would need a cable with 1gb support. I have Cat5e ethernet cable, but thing is that there are other people in my house and the cable would need to go out of my room, down the stairs and into a room to be able to connect to that router.
That is just one thing that I'm concerned how to handle
Apr 9, 2020
U will have Fibre from box in street to your house , your ISP will install a Optical to Ethernet box thingy, ethernet goes to router, connect pc to router