How would I setup all the cables on a custom pc?


Oct 2, 2014
Well his is the pc i will build (my first)

And this is the case (also in cart)

I was watching some youtube videos on how to build it but they had all these cool expensive cases and I just have a cheap one I guess lol
the point is that the youtube cases or towers have a place where everything goes and stuff and I feel like the one i'm getting is just a plain one for more advance people I gúess but its my first build so i wont have an idea on where the cables and everything goes inside, I kinda did learn where everything connects (still not done learning) but not really what goes on inside the tower so ;/

anyone that helps?
some cases have better cable management then others. start with a modular
power supply in your build so you only have to plug in the needed cables. the first two main connectors are the 24 pin and the eight pin cpu power on a motherboard. most vendors now are putting the 24 pin power on one edge and the eight pin power on the top edge near the top case fans. (asus). if your mb does this and you have a tall case look into picking up a 8 pin pci power ext cable...
Cases don't have to be expensive to be good and some cheaper cases have great cable management. If you read case reviews, they usually talk about how the build went as far as hiding the wiring. Most of the cases I have used or still use have terrible case management. Not all cables are meant to be hid also. You can get covered wiring that really look good as long as you run it nicely. Since its your first build, concentrate on getting everything working okay first, then start carefully running the wires. That'll save you if you have a bad part.
some cases have better cable management then others. start with a modular
power supply in your build so you only have to plug in the needed cables. the first two main connectors are the 24 pin and the eight pin cpu power on a motherboard. most vendors now are putting the 24 pin power on one edge and the eight pin power on the top edge near the top case fans. (asus). if your mb does this and you have a tall case look into picking up a 8 pin pci power ext cable.
to go behind the mb tray. the other cables that get in the way are fan cables to system board. sometime if your not looking you can run the cable over the video or cpu. (sucked in when pc running). the last rats next is the case on/off/reset and led cables. depending on where on the mb the case header is you can be dragging the cables over part of the mb. on builds people use velcro and or tye wraps to wrap cables in the back of the case. be care full on the sata power and data cables there easy to snap.