Question How would stuttering look if caused by faulty RAM ?

May 1, 2023
so obviously if there are stutters, one of the causes could be the Ram; however, how exactly would that manifest? for example, my case of stuttering is that my games are pretty much smooth unless I cross a certain area (not a loading zone) and my frametimes will spike, causing a really bizarre 1-2fps drop that creates a fairly noticeable hitch. outside of games, on desktop, there's no issue or anything

I've tested the ram countless times with HCI Memtest, as well as the Windows tool, and probably only once with Memtest86, which all cropped up with 0 errors; additionally, I use XMP (18-22-22-42) on my Corsair Vengeance 32gb DDR4 3600mhz CL18 Ram, no manual overclock done

there are some frametime spikes that don't occur every time I'm in the spot they normally would, but if they do happen, then it will always be in that specific zone; for example, in Dark Souls 3, if I cross a specific bridge, there is a possibility my frametime will spike and I drop to 58fps for a second, but even though it doesn't always happen, it will always occur on that bridge, in roughly the same spot

anyway, my main question: if someone's stuttering were to be caused by the Ram, wouldn't the stutters be a lot more random and prominent in comparison to mine, which only really happen in specific areas?

furthermore, I'm pretty sure my timings, since they run under XMP, are good enough to avoid direct issues. even though I haven't really used Memtest86 as much as HCI Memtest, the amount of times I've tested with HCI and allocated different amounts of memory is leading me away from suspecting the ram.

(note: I do have a suspect theory in my weird area-specific stutters, which is my HDMI cable not supporting FreeSync or G-Sync, but I'm just wondering how Ram-based stuttering would manifest, and if mine doesn't sound like a Ram issue)
May 1, 2023
Do you have an AMD CPU? Are you using Windows 11 with TPM enabled? I wasn't aware of fTPM stuttering problems with AMD CPUs until I read this article. I'm still using Windows 10 on my 7950X with TPM disabled.

What are your system specs?
Ryzen 7 5800x, so yup AMD CPU; Windows 10, but I'm on Version 2806 with B550-F Motherboard which, if memory serves me correctly, is after the Bios version that helped/resolved fTPM stutters

one of the things I did in my long list of troubleshooting before suspecting the HDMI, was update Bios to latest and also to roll back to 2806, neither of which really did anything


here's the top 3 latest Bios versions list on the Asus website. as for my other specs that I haven't mentioned, I've got an RTX 3070 and Phanteks Revolt 1000w

edit: I looked up an example of someone with fTPM-induced stutter, and a lot of people in the comments said this was how their issue was manifesting as well, and my stutter is NOT like this

there's no audio dropout and the stutters are typically very consistent and last for like, less than a second, basically a microstutter; there are a few outlying spots that a lot more stuttery and tank the frames but again, they are super consistent and always happen in those spots
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