Hi, just recently put this build together and want to know how it would run these games
im out of budget so changing any parts is out of the question 🙁
thanks in advance.
MOBO: m5a97 le r2.0
CPU: amd fx-6300
GPU: ATI radeon hd 5770
Ram: 4Gb (2x2gb) (soon to be upgraded to 8gb)
PSU: CiT 650w PSU
Would like to know approx fps and what settings 😀

thanks in advance.
MOBO: m5a97 le r2.0
CPU: amd fx-6300
GPU: ATI radeon hd 5770
Ram: 4Gb (2x2gb) (soon to be upgraded to 8gb)
PSU: CiT 650w PSU
Would like to know approx fps and what settings 😀