How would you rate/classify each MS OS (including Windows 10) now?

Rafael Mestdag

Mar 25, 2014
After trying Windows 10 for a while now, this is my classification:

1.Windows 10(Best compromise between Win8.1 and Win7)
2.Windows 7(Best UI graphics by far)
3.Windows Vista
4.Windows XP
5.Windows 95/98/ME
Windows 10 better than XP? That sounds almost promising. I like Windows 7 but I don't like that it won't run old games without some determined tinkering.

Windows 8 I would rate slightly below Windows 3.1 but above Linux.
10 is okay, I didn't like XP as much as everyone else did, it was a pretty dumbed down OS and x64 Version was a joke.
The security junk with windows 10 is sketchy, and can be disabled, but I don't think it should be the default. I am not leaving Windows 7 until 2020. It's stable, I have never had issues with it and manages things in a way I like. 8 and 8.1 were not bad per se when it came to it's functioning, that Metro UI and confusion on just getting to the dang desktop and start button and just so many other things made both a turn off for me. 10 is kind of like a nice mix of 7 and 8.1 but it's still buggy and too new for me to bother with it... even if it is free right now.