Howdo I get my spider solitaire from Windows 7 tranferred to windows 10?


If you follow this link it should give you a file to put in each of the separate game folders, and the games will work!!!!
All you need is the slc.dll found here in the same folder as each game

Copying the Windows Games folder didn't work for me. I think there may be DLLs and registry changes required to make it work. However Windows 10 has a decent suite of solitaire games on the Start menu called "Microsoft Solitaire Collection" you could try. Another alternative is SolSuite from Tree Card Games. It's currently listed for $9.95.

Good luck.
many prefer the older version that is not a metro app begging for a subscription fee and ad filled. the old versions are just simple .exe files you can play when you want o and not being nagged for money!!

do the simple google search i posted and the first hit is all the old games in their old formats ready to go for win 10 😉

I don't let the ads bother me.they don't interrupt the game.
but your suggestion is good to keep in mind for thos e of you who prefer the old games.


If you follow this link it should give you a file to put in each of the separate game folders, and the games will work!!!!
All you need is the slc.dll found here in the same folder as each game
