I know as a matter of fact that it was out of stock on the 29th at the very least:
Price went up a while ago; they just left the price as it was when it was last in stock on aggregator sites simply a tactic to attract visitors to a non-existant price so that they can then advertise the other products on their store to said visitor.
Plus PCPP usual incorrect stock reporting, eg: Gskill Ripjaws 4
Reported as £59.3 @ Amazon but is actually £106.47, dispatched from and sold by Bora-Computer GbR.
Adata XPG Z1:
Reported as £63.57 @ Amazon but is actually
Temporarily out of stock. Order now and we'll deliver when available. We'll e-mail you with an estimated delivery date as soon as we have more information.
or £139.02 + £18.16 UK delivery from TECNOMARKET, dispatched from Italy.
I used to say that this kind of false stock/price reporting by PCPP only happens for PCPP outside of the US, but now with all sort of stock limitation on all kinds of hardware, even accurate stock reporting for US isn't guaranteed:
Team - Dark Pro 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3200, reported as $85.99 @ Newegg
And regarding hard disk, would you recommend the use of a 2nd hand hard drive with unknown amount of wear and tear as the only drive in the system? That is the question arisen from your recommendation because the "If the OP wants to spend a bit more, to get new drive, more power to them." bit certainly wasn't there in your original post. You can't assume someone coming in asking for advice to "know better" to choose when to go along or against recommendations/suggestions by someone they'd assumed to be more informed/knowledgeable.