hows this for my first pc


May 26, 2016
this is a pre built pc i found i have a budget around 600 aud

AMD 6-Core FX 6300
AMD Stock Cooler
AMD Intergrated Graphics Radeon HD 3000
1TB 7200rpm 3.5 Inch Desktop HDD
Generic 550W Power Supply
8GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM
AMD 760G Chipset AMD 970FX
Deepcool Kendomen case

is this price good? and im gonna buy a better graphics card later maybe a 950 gtx or 750ti and just upgrade it whenever i have spare money, alot of ppl are saying it be cheaper to build a pc myself but the costs work out roughly the same and i never done it before i need a pc soon to start doing work on it and i wanna be able to play gta v thanks guys
go with intel if ur building urself amd isnt that great skylakes & hawsells are easier to build do ur research use u tube some great videos how to assemble desktops
dont really wanna build myself i prob will build if i can save alot of money.
are amds <mod edit> or something? everyone says go with intel but they cost more? i read the fx 6300 is alright with a 950gtx or something

<Watch your language in these forums>
amd is junk i wont even touch it unreliable u pay the price for quality stick with intel they are good for a reason & handle more of the newer releasing games coming out go with a gtx960 or something & u have decent preformance no issues stay away from amd intel much easier to modify as well as most the amd sockets are a dying socket

i plan on upgrading to a better graphics card when i got the money 950 gtx

hmm ok mate but iam on a budget intel seems more expensive but ill research on the best cheap intels