HP 550 Laptop - Cant detect specific Wifi Network


Mar 23, 2012

I have a HP 550 laptop with wireless, XP. The studio I rent from receives wifi via a 5Mhz/or 5GHz - Cant remember which one - outdoor router. I have been using the wifi for some time but recently my Laptop wont' pick up the network at all. I have tested the laptop on other networks and those I can pick up with no problem, however for some reason I simply cannot detect this network. Other users around the complex can pickup and use with no problem.

I have re-installed windows and updated all driver, no go - still can't seem to detect this network. I have even walked up to this router and even from 12 inches it don't get nothing.

Could my connection have been blocked? How is this done, what can I do to circumvent this issue. Unfortunately I don't have access to this router as it's the landlords so I cannot do any changes on that side, but is there something else I can try on my side, short from getting a Wifi Dongle? My fear is if I do get one, can it be blocked as well?

Any suggestions appreciated.

Delete the wireless network and then try and connect again using the key again.

This is assuming that the router is still using the default key and the owner hasn't changed it in the routers software.

Thanks, I'll probably gonna have to purchase a wifi dongle. My neighbor has a vintage Mecer CL51 that upon which I re-installed XP fixed his wifi issues. Network is picked up on his laptop but not mine.

I doubt it's got something to do with the network speeds or that they have changed it as older laptops pick up the network fine. My only conclusion is that my signature has been blocked. Unless there is settings I can change on my adapter to try and resolve this issue?


Not sure what you mean das-tig, but there is a network key yes on the router. Whats interesting is that before I re-installed windows the key was stored with the network in my preferred networks. After install I can't pick up diddly squat. I can pick up other networks except this one.