They already have T4 models, this needs a K1 to be a device for tech savvy people...LOL.
K1 is not that much more expensive. $5-10 most likely and it probably doesn't cost NV more than $1 extra to make it (if that). We'll have to wait for die sizes (80mm^2 for T4) to be sure, but it isn't a HUGE core. T3/T4 were both 80mm^2. It's running the same A15's (upgraded but you get the point), and a different gpu. I doubt there is a $5 difference considering T4 is $20-25 (and they make them for far less, this is the price google/ms paid). No K1 means I'll pass. No 4GB means a pass also. Why do they not offer 4GB which is about to come on top phones across the board? Is it so hard to offer it for another $10-20? They should always give options to change to a far better device for the cost difference. 2GB is so yesterday even on a phone.
Games are just amping up and K1 etc will push this process, and not far behind will be apps that will start using 3GB+. What then? They need to start making devices that have at least a LITTLE bit more longevity in them, as opposed to DOA. Shield 2 comes with 4GB, samsung's next products will come with 4GB (they already are pumping out the chips for this), etc. DOA. It's time for Google to mandate 3GB+ even if their OS runs great on 512MB etc. The price difference between 2GB & 4GB is <$15. UP TO 2GB? So some even worse models at 1GB will ship? Way to hold us all back another year or two on killer apps.