hp compaq 6200 pro mt pc gpu

I'm getting conflicting data as well. Best I can advice here would be to look at this YouTube video. At about the 2:10 mark, pause a take a look at the interior of the case being used. You'll want to use a tape measure to measure the length from the openings at the back of the case (where the video card DVI/HDMI ports would be) all the way to the right to the first obstacle. In this example, that would be the hard drive cage

Now as long as the card is shorter than that measured distance and there are no other obstacles in the way (such as the CPU/Heat Sink), the card will fit.

Unless you can post some images of your case interior and rear of the case, I can't help you any further.

-Wolf sends
Low profile just means half the physical height, but understand that high-end cards require the better cooling solutions of a full-height card. Theoretically, there should be no performance difference between the two cards you linked. However, due to the typically poorer cooling solution of low-profile cards, they tend to be clocked slightly slower (maybe 1-3 FPS slower). Of the two cards you linked, the full-height (single fan) card would be the better performer.

-Wolf sends
I'm getting conflicting data as well. Best I can advice here would be to look at this YouTube video. At about the 2:10 mark, pause a take a look at the interior of the case being used. You'll want to use a tape measure to measure the length from the openings at the back of the case (where the video card DVI/HDMI ports would be) all the way to the right to the first obstacle. In this example, that would be the hard drive cage

Now as long as the card is shorter than that measured distance and there are no other obstacles in the way (such as the CPU/Heat Sink), the card will fit.

Unless you can post some images of your case interior and rear of the case, I can't help you any further.

-Wolf sends

Capture images using a digital camera/cell phone and post them to an image hosting site like photobucket or imageshack. Once posted there, you'll need to copy and paste the url of the image into a reply here using the IMG tags


-Wolf sends
OK. Length-wise, you should be ok. The problem I see is going to be the width of the card. Double-width cards (cards that take up two expansion slots) and are longer that say about 7" (measure to be sure) may be blocked by your CPU Heat Sink.

I can't tell with 100% certainty whether you need to use a full-height or low-profile card. I really need to see the back of the case.

To be honest, I really can't say anything with 100% certainty. I'd be willing to bet that you could use either of the two cards that you linked above, but to be certain, I'd still want to measure from the expansion slot covers to the CPU Heat Sink and compare that to the length of the card. The full-height single fan card appears to be about 6.5" in length. The dual fan card appears to be about 5.75" in length.

-Wolf sends
Ok. So the card you get, if it's single slot width, can be just about any size you want, but if it's a dual-slot width (like either of the two cards you linked), they cannot be longer than 6" in length, per your measurement.

This are full height expansion slots, so you can go with either full-height or half-height/low-profile graphic cards (provided they have the full height bracket).

-Wolf sends
I said that low profile cards generally have a poorer cooling solution. I never said it was a problem. They just don't clock the cards as high. You can see for yourself in the specifications that the low-profile card has a lower core clock speed than the full height card.

As far as which one fits, only you can make that determination. You're the one with the tape measure.

-Wolf sends