C chizdawg Honorable Mar 3, 2013 1 0 10,510 Mar 4, 2013 #1 Have a HP dv7-3160us. It powers the HD and lights, but only black screen. Hooked up to TV via PC cable and nothing. What could it be?
Have a HP dv7-3160us. It powers the HD and lights, but only black screen. Hooked up to TV via PC cable and nothing. What could it be?
getochkn Polypheme Jul 2, 2006 12,406 54 65,040 Mar 4, 2013 #2 Sounds like the graphics chip either needs to be reflowed or has died. I've seen dozens of HP DV series like this. It was so bad, there was a class action lawsuit against HP and Nvidia over it, but I think any action or warranty is over now on it. Upvote 0 Downvote
Sounds like the graphics chip either needs to be reflowed or has died. I've seen dozens of HP DV series like this. It was so bad, there was a class action lawsuit against HP and Nvidia over it, but I think any action or warranty is over now on it.