HP EliteBook 6930p Slow Boot with Flashing Diag Lights

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Apr 30, 2012
Hardware: HP Elitebook 6930p, 1x 2gb RAM, 160gb HDD recently wiped, no OS.

I have a couple, and have seen several laptops come through my work with this "Condition" and I have no idea what it is, as Google hasn't given me a direct answer...

The laptop boots. Pauses, then the Caps Lock and Num lock flash (4 times in this specific case, 2 sets ), then the laptop boots normally.

The thing that throws me off, is it boots, yet still throws those lights... I am not sure what it could be... Anyone have an idea?
The blinking caps and numlock are a diagnostic feature of the Dv7 Notebook ( and others ). Depending on the combination it can be a number of different symptoms. They can be as minor as the battery having an insuficient charge or as serious as a CPU failure. I would recommend updating the ROM BIOS on your unit to ensure you have the latest fixes.- Make sure you have the latest one for your model - Here is a link to a document on the Blink Codes.


You copied that exact message from somewhere. Im assuming it was this article, and copied a broken link...

Thank you Stig, I will try updating the BIOS real quick.

The link is working fine, and yes i copied it from an article describing exactly the problem your having.
The link did not work for me. If anything you could have linked to the article rather then Copy-Pasta the other person's reply.
And the link was describing laptops that were not booting at all. Mine are.

Stig. One laptop appears to have stopped that blinking. Will try the 2nd one. Fingers crossed!

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