HP Envy 750-197c with Odense motherboard CPU upgrade question


May 18, 2012
I have an HP Envy 750-197c, with the Odense motherboard, and a i5-6400 (Skylake) 2.7 GHz Quad Core CPU. My daughter is finding the system CPU restricted, and per the HP documents, the only CPU upgrade is to a i7-6700 (Slylake) 3.4 GHz Quad Core.


However, I noticed the Motherboard Chipset is listed as an H110. The H110 chipset supports up to 7th Gen (Kaby Lake) CPU's, something like a i7-7700 (Kaby Lake) 4.2 GHz Quad Core.


Am I missing something else? They are both 1151 socket units, but I'm wondering if the firmware on the MoBo would need addressing, or if there is another issue? I know it's only a 30% or so boost (versus 15-20% with the Skylake i7), on a 7 year old system, but it's useful to make this old soldier last another year or two before replacement. I would also change the already upgraded GTX 1050ti for a GTX 1650 to bump to GPU performance a bit. I know the GPU is definately the weakpoint, but with no power connections, going above a 1650 that gets power from the PCIe slot isn't an option I can find an answer to. Uses are light to mild gaming, school and low level graphics work. The system is currently still at the original 12 GB RAM.
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H110 motherboards did not run Kaby Lake CPUs out of the box as they required BIOS updates to become compatible. It's up the motherboard vendors to take care of that and quite often, the companies that make prebuilts don't provide BIOS support. Your H110 would only work with an i7-7700K if HP provided a BIOS update with support for Kaby Lake. Otherwise, the best you can do is a 6700.
Yea, I figured as much. Checked with HP and they have updated BIOS, but it failed to install...not worth the fight, I guess its a new system. The 6700 just doesnt seem enough to justify the cost ($164 new, $100 used). Thanks for saving me some effort! (Noting this is being typed on a 4th Gen I've kept going 7 years now...no gaming for me)