[SOLVED] HP Envy 750-417C upgrade question...

Feb 19, 2021
Hello Everyone!

I have a HP Envy 750-417C which I literally bought for 50 bucks, (a Crackhead wanted money 😛 hehehe)
But these are the specs:

Motherboard: HP Odense-2
Labeled: IMP17-002 ??? Green motherboard ???

Power Supply: 300 W internal ATX E-STAR 6.0 Bronze power supply
Memory: 16GB DDR3 RAM Originally: 12GB DDR3 RAM
Storage: A 4 year old 7200rpm SATA 1TB HDD in working condition
Graphics: Intel HD 530 Integrated Graphics

So it's already got an upgraded Memory. The maximum allowed supported is 16GB RAM
But my question is this:

I want to upgrade the Power Supply to either 600 or 500W and I want to put in a Graphics Card
I don't have the money for the upgrade yet, However, I want to invest about $500-$600 Total.
Maybe more if needed but I'd like to stay as low as possible

What should I go with? Seeing as how I'm not exactly sure what is compatible with my system.

Any Help is Appreciated.


There shouldn't be any compatibility issues with any GPU on the market. Once you get a new PSU (look at 550W/650W etc, since even 100s generally signify older PSU platforms), you're really looking for something that satisfies:
  • physically fits in the case
  • doesn't produce more heat than the case and case fans can keep up with
  • is a good match with whatever monitor you're using or plan to use (resolution/refresh rate).