HP Laptop fully charged but removing the charger turns the laptop off. (not shutdown)

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Sep 29, 2013
OK, I have seen a lot of people with this problem but no one gave a solution. a solution was given for windows vista laptops but mine is windows 7 . so my problem is that my old was replaced with a new battery and the battery was given to me from a different country so i cantgive it back to let them check it. nor have i tried the battery with the same type of laptop cuz nobody around me has the same type of laptop. i tried my new battery the day i got it and it didnt work. cuz it shows 100% but when i remove the cord it turns off. ( not shutdown). i was just wondering if there is anyway to fix it from the laptop itself? and i have tried the hold power button for 20 seconds. didnt change anything. charger is fine. cuz with the charger laptop works and the light is also working. i know its not the battery cuz its brand new but i cant send it back cuz it was bought from a different country by a friend.


Either the battery is defective, or it is not the required part number for a replacement.
Does the part number exactly match the original?
Since you can't send it back, you are stuck.
If you always use the laptop plugged in, you are OK.
But, if you need portability, you need to do something.
Since batteries are cheaper than laptops, you probably need to try again with a new battery.

umm. but the battery is from hp itself. cuz it charges and it shows it on my laptop screen. why would hp ban its own battery?

Either the battery is defective, or it is not the required part number for a replacement.
Does the part number exactly match the original?
Since you can't send it back, you are stuck.
If you always use the laptop plugged in, you are OK.
But, if you need portability, you need to do something.
Since batteries are cheaper than laptops, you probably need to try again with a new battery.

HP Laptops only have three types of battery and i searched my specific laptop model and asked my friend to buy the battery. so i dont think its a compatibility problem and i still have yet to try a new battery on my laptop. then i'll know if the battery really works or not.

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