HP Laptop not turning on anymore.

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Dec 25, 2013
My HP 225 seems to have stopped working.

It was working fine however I did not use it for around a month and it now seems to have died.
I have reset the ram as HP recommended however it changed nothing.
When I plug the charger in a white LED next to the charger port lights up however when I click the power button the LED turns off til I release the button, I also tried this without the battery in however it yielded the same results.
I have left it to charge for a while but nothing happened.

What could be causing this?

First try this:

Hold powerbutton with unplugged charger and plugged in battery for 10 seconds.
Remove battery and hold for 30-40 seconds.
Place back battery and hold for 30 seconds.
Now plug in charger and see if it boots.

This is an hp sequence from a couple years back that you had to do if something like this...
Likely, your battery has failed and needs replacing.
There are electronics inside a battery that need to be compatible.
Some laptops need a sound battery present to run on wall power.
So, do not buy a generic replacement, buy only a more expensive HP qualified replacement.

I will look into buying another battery for it.

First try this:

Hold powerbutton with unplugged charger and plugged in battery for 10 seconds.
Remove battery and hold for 30-40 seconds.
Place back battery and hold for 30 seconds.
Now plug in charger and see if it boots.

This is an hp sequence from a couple years back that you had to do if something like this happend. Might still work and no harm in trying.
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