HP motherboard issue

Jul 13, 2018
A long time ago I bought an HP Pavilion HPE h8-1010it from my local electronics shop. It worked really fine, although the gpu has always been a pain in the ass, so I recently decided to upgrade it with an evga gtx 1060 3gb sc, since I found a deal at 200 euros(saving 80 bucks)

However after installing the new graphics driver the pc just froze at the very beginning, when the bios is loaded up, and gave me 1 beep, then a long pause, and then 1 beep followed by 3 beeps in rapid succession. I then discovered that my motherboard uses a legacy or non-uefi bios, so it cannot recognize my new graphics card.

So I'd like to know what you think of these questions:

    Is my psu powerful enough or should I change it? (I think it should be okay, at least using the online calculators)

    Will it work by changing the motherboard to a Asrock 90-MXGSR0-A0UAYZ H81M-Dgs and will it also support the wifi card present in my old motherboard or do you have a better idea, preferibily around 50 bucks?

    What other components do I need other than a new motherboard and the termal paste?

    Will my currently installed windows 10 through windows 7 update work with the new motherboard?

Thanks 😀
gave me 1 beep, then a long pause
This is RAM problem https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c02222922
and then 1 beep followed by 3 beeps in rapid succession
I am not sure about this.

I then discovered that my motherboard uses a legacy or non-uefi bios, so it cannot recognize my new graphics card.
Because the PC has win7, I think the HP PSU ( 460W ) may have problem to power the gtx1060, if you have other good brand PSU, try it. Or borrow other PSU from your friend.

The H81 can support 4th gen CPU, and the HP PC comes with the 2nd gen CPU so you have to buy the 4th CPU and the thermal paste, also the new OS too, if you want to use the Asrock H81M-DGS R2.0 https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/H81M-DGS%20R2.0/index.asp#CPU

Will my currently installed windows 10 through windows 7 update work with the new motherboard?
Sorry you can't, more info from microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility/windows10upgrade
Thanks for the answer.

I am pretty sure it is not a ram problem since if I stick my old gt 545 in it works just fine.
Sorry I explained it badly: right now my pc is with windows 10 since I already updated it from windows 7, but I wonder if it is going to work if I change motherboard or do I have to re-buy a copy of windows?
Do you know of any cheap lga1155 motherboard? Cause my cpu still has a good value, so I'd avoid upgrading the whole pc.
Then using the gt545, and you may try to disable "Secure Boot", and enable "legacy mode" in the BIOS, if you can. After done that, try to use gtx1060. More info from Nvidia support: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3156/~/when-installing-an-after-market-graphics-card-into-a-certified-windows-8-pc

You need buy the used lga1155 MB from either ebay or amazon. Also you will need the new Window OS for the retail lga1155 MB, if you want to change the MB, because you can't use the OEM OS on the retail brand MB.

I tried but my MB only has a legacy bios, while it seems like the gtx 1060 requires a uefi MB.
Googling around I found this MB, do u think it'll work?