A long time ago I bought an HP Pavilion HPE h8-1010it from my local electronics shop. It worked really fine, although the gpu has always been a pain in the ass, so I recently decided to upgrade it with an evga gtx 1060 3gb sc, since I found a deal at 200 euros(saving 80 bucks)
However after installing the new graphics driver the pc just froze at the very beginning, when the bios is loaded up, and gave me 1 beep, then a long pause, and then 1 beep followed by 3 beeps in rapid succession. I then discovered that my motherboard uses a legacy or non-uefi bios, so it cannot recognize my new graphics card.
So I'd like to know what you think of these questions:
Thanks 😀
However after installing the new graphics driver the pc just froze at the very beginning, when the bios is loaded up, and gave me 1 beep, then a long pause, and then 1 beep followed by 3 beeps in rapid succession. I then discovered that my motherboard uses a legacy or non-uefi bios, so it cannot recognize my new graphics card.
So I'd like to know what you think of these questions:
Is my psu powerful enough or should I change it? (I think it should be okay, at least using the online calculators)
Will it work by changing the motherboard to a Asrock 90-MXGSR0-A0UAYZ H81M-Dgs and will it also support the wifi card present in my old motherboard or do you have a better idea, preferibily around 50 bucks?
What other components do I need other than a new motherboard and the termal paste?
Will my currently installed windows 10 through windows 7 update work with the new motherboard?
Thanks 😀