HP Omen’s Dark (And Red) Secret: The Omen X VR PC Pack

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>> connecting the HTC Vive to any PC requires the link box,

Totally not true. It works just fine when plugged directly into the PC without the linkbox in between.
>> connecting the HTC Vive to any PC requires the link box,

Totally not true. It works just fine when plugged directly into the PC without the linkbox in between.

Then how do you power the HMD without connecting that third DC-IN plug from the Vive?
this would be really appealing if they get the size down quite a bit. Maybe about double the volume of a Mac Mini, with half that battery. A Zen/Polaris, 14nm APU with 16GB GDDR5X or HBM2 would be pretty interesting.

Maybe a desktop stand that you can tuck the straps into so to use you can pick up and put on like a small backpack, or hip pack depending on the size.
>> connecting the HTC Vive to any PC requires the link box,

Totally not true. You can plug the headset straight into your PC and it works fine.
Yea suuure .. Carry this monster on your back playing for hours and you will end up having Cancer , kidney failure , Heart problems , brain problems , and maybe worse.

who on earth can stand FULL LOAD 3GHZ CPU , 2GHZ GTX 980 , running at 350 watts minimum and emitting electromagnetic waves for hours near his internal organs .

HP , MSI and all of you , STOP IT ! or you will pay BILLIONS after 20 years to compensate sick pope ...

If you want to do it RIGHT then use Wifi instead of USB3 and HDMI connections...

or dont do it at all !

look at this stupid OMEN it is not even SHIELDED !
...yeah...that's not how this works. That's not how EMF radiation works at all. First of all most highspeed busses are shielded to begin with to avoid interference from the outside. This shielding works in both directions. It keeps noise out but also keeps noise in. Secondly Wifi especially wifi capable of transmitting 90hz HD video would be operating at a higher frequency than the busses or chips operating in that backpack. You're more likely to get burns from that thing than cancer or any sort of radiation illness, as there is effectively 300+W concentrated into small space with what appears to be very little ventilation.

I'm disappointed with the run time but the hot swap batteries are exactly what is needed here. Especially if they can be fully charged in the same time it takes to drain one.

I looked at building something like this for myself using a Skullcanyon NUC and a external PCI-E enclosure. But I couldn't find the enclosure for a decent price. Batteries are another source of great expense. This is really a great start but I think they could have put a bit more into the connectivity.

use your 3v 5 watts phone for 1 hour and your ears will turn red ... from the signal near your head ... I even dont trust smart phones when it come to health

This machine will make people sick ... and we will know when it is too late.

it is too eary for portable VR ... we need 10 more years for that , when a GTX 1080 equivalent runs inside mobile phones TDP 5 watts.

for now , we use wires ..

by the way , you can mount the pc on the ceiling with all cables coming down , and make them spring like wires to extend when you walk around . Thats the best solution IMO


I'm sure it has nothing to do with the heat of the phone or the lack of ventilation caused by having your phone planted next to your ear for such an extended time. /sarcasm As a test set your phone to airplane mode and start a looping benchmark or other task and hold your phone to your ear, see if your ear doesn't turn red in such a situation as well.

I understand there was recently some scare-media going around about a "study" that showed cellular radiation at 900mhz was cancer causing. The media reported on this but failed to mention that the study had some major flaws like their control group of rats died (the ones not intentionally exposed to cellular radiation) and that it wasn't properly peer-reviewed and that those that did peer-review it found it to be lacking the substance of good science. We should also be clear that this is not a cellular device. It is a high powered laptop. Don't you think if such a device is capable of causing cancer we would have already seen many cases of people developing cancer in their extremities related to laptop use? Certainly we've seen people burned by the heat and probably some people have been injured by exploding batteries. These things are causes for concerns not EMF spawned cancer.

I've also looked at developing an arm for holding the cable up. Buying them from the industrial or medical sectors is shockingly expensive, easiliy 10 times the cost of the HUD. I think the main gripe about the arm is that it is going to require an "installation" whereas the backpack is more flexible (ignoring the beacons or cameras required for either instance).

no need for that , all what you need is to DIY spring cables and connect them to the PC , use screw plugs as well so they Dont fall .

no need for expensive hardware at all ...

cheap and Easy . the spring cables will stretch when you move away from the center . mount the pc on the ceiling ,
Portable VR:
Some confusion here... what they are selling is a DEVELOPER KIT. It's meant for developing content for when VR becomes more portable.

So you strap on the backpack, put on a HUD (with camera) and then walk around. With the built-in camera you can mix then OVERLAY information onto the real world. This has non-gaming uses as well which were described by the Google Glass project. Probably most cases would be non-gaming, though virtual Frogger might be interesting...

What you just described is Augmented Reality not Virtual Reality. True such a system like this would be equally viable for such a use, but this particular device and devices like it are primarily directed at room-scale VR, as AR headsets are somewhat lacking at the moment.

HTC VR has a front camera . and I think it i better than occulus
The front camera on the HTC Vive is used as a convenience feature. The field of view is too limited to provide the features and capabilities you are describing. I've yet to see any news about a game overlaying VR/AR information on the camera's view. Primarily the camera is used to give the user a view of the world without taking off the headset so they can detangle themselves from the wire or figure out what they just kicked or see their keyboard.
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