I've got an HP Pavilion dv4 I'm fixing for someone. They say the display suddenly stopped working. I've tried the obvious stuff, like turning up the brightness, and changing the display settings in Windows 7. So it does seem to be dead.
However, I can't seem to get a signal to a regular monitor with the HDMI. The regular VGA port works fine in using a monitor as the display though.
So I'm wondering if the problem might be in the graphics card. Does anyone know how laptops work in this way? If the display uses the HDMI, and the HDMI isn't working, couldn't that be the problem, and the monitor is fine?
I have no idea. I'm tempted to replace the display but would like to narrow it down a little further as the problem. Any advice would be appreciated.
However, I can't seem to get a signal to a regular monitor with the HDMI. The regular VGA port works fine in using a monitor as the display though.
So I'm wondering if the problem might be in the graphics card. Does anyone know how laptops work in this way? If the display uses the HDMI, and the HDMI isn't working, couldn't that be the problem, and the monitor is fine?
I have no idea. I'm tempted to replace the display but would like to narrow it down a little further as the problem. Any advice would be appreciated.