I recently got the above server with a bunch of other components for free. I got the server to run windows server 2003 without any problems. It has one 2.83ghz Xeon quad core CPU, so it is by far the fastest computer I have in the house, and I'm hoping on keeping it as the build quality is nice. I want to try to somehow replace my P4 PC with it.
The server has one pcie x8 slot (says x16 cards will run at x8 speed), can I install a good/decent graphics card onto it? What is the best card it will support? I would only want to play a newer 3d game a few hours a week, nothing intense, adult owner, but hoping for nice graphics. What kind of game performance can I expect? Any options for a cheap external pcie power supply just for the card?
What is a decent but cheap sound card for it?
How can I quiet it down without spending a lot of money? The vast majority of the noise comes from the fans. All the fans pull out easily out of their special slots, what can I replace them with? I know that quiet desktop PC fans are cheap, will they work?
Will it consume a much larger amount of power than a desktop PC?
Can it be mounted on its side to take up less space?
Can it be placed ~13ft away from the monitor and seat? Any limits on how long cables I can use (especially vga/dvi cables)?
Sorry for the large number of questions
I recently got the above server with a bunch of other components for free. I got the server to run windows server 2003 without any problems. It has one 2.83ghz Xeon quad core CPU, so it is by far the fastest computer I have in the house, and I'm hoping on keeping it as the build quality is nice. I want to try to somehow replace my P4 PC with it.
The server has one pcie x8 slot (says x16 cards will run at x8 speed), can I install a good/decent graphics card onto it? What is the best card it will support? I would only want to play a newer 3d game a few hours a week, nothing intense, adult owner, but hoping for nice graphics. What kind of game performance can I expect? Any options for a cheap external pcie power supply just for the card?
What is a decent but cheap sound card for it?
How can I quiet it down without spending a lot of money? The vast majority of the noise comes from the fans. All the fans pull out easily out of their special slots, what can I replace them with? I know that quiet desktop PC fans are cheap, will they work?
Will it consume a much larger amount of power than a desktop PC?
Can it be mounted on its side to take up less space?
Can it be placed ~13ft away from the monitor and seat? Any limits on how long cables I can use (especially vga/dvi cables)?
Sorry for the large number of questions