HP Sold Faulty Laptops, Claims China

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DV6000 also here in the US all the DV models with the NVIDIA chipset. Theres a class action suit about this its well know. Don't buy HP instead of fixing a problem they will patch it up till the warranty expires and continue selling computers with known defects.
Bad publicity for HP

Here's other brand in the same basket :

Gateway, Dell, Acer, Toshiba,

Their all expensive craptop:

And yeah their all made in China 😛

But Asus are great and also made in China.

This prove that the company that makes laptops that last 1 year more or less doesn't care about their costumers.

...overheating and eventual hardware crash.
Don't know if you're quoting or trying to quote someone but software crashes and hardware fails.

My parents have HP desktops that still run from the early days of windows 98. To bad their quality seems to have decreased over the years. They just "upgraded" to newer HP computers so I guess I'll see if this is more than the nVidia overheating problem.
Check out all the DV series problems people. This has been going on for a while. I fix these machines daily. HP IS CRAP!!! All DV series laptop have this problem....... ALL! There are alot of Compaq with this same problem. The Nvidia chipset gets toooooo hot and warps the motherboard pulling the chip away from the board. There is a list of things that could be done about it and I assure you HP knows what the problem is but refuses to fix the problem. It would hurt there bottom dollar ..... So they say screw it just make them buy a new one. I believe this is a designed in flaw purposefully played out to ensure job security. TOOOOOO many of these come into my shop like this. I HATE HP because of this it has been going on tooooooooo Long!
No wonder the economy is crap everything sold here is made somewhere else and in this case in a Communist society. So now we are indirectly supporting Communism while millions of Americans are unemployed. And the real irony is they expect us to buy the product.
HP makes me wait one month to change the display of my laptop
>=( very bad repair service in Costa Rica...
i don't trust in HP
Um, once again they don't do a proper investigation into the faulty laptops. It should've encompassed every laptop embedded with the faulty GPU's. This is old news, and big tech i just selling us broken crap.
[citation][nom]xtc28[/nom]Check out all the DV series problems people. This has been going on for a while. I fix these machines daily. HP IS CRAP!!! All DV series laptop have this problem....... ALL! There are alot of Compaq with this same problem. The Nvidia chipset gets toooooo hot and warps the motherboard pulling the chip away from the board. There is a list of things that could be done about it and I assure you HP knows what the problem is but refuses to fix the problem. It would hurt there bottom dollar ..... So they say screw it just make them buy a new one. I believe this is a designed in flaw purposefully played out to ensure job security. TOOOOOO many of these come into my shop like this. I HATE HP because of this it has been going on tooooooooo Long![/citation]
I agree with you, like I'm sure many do. I'm working on 3 of them right now and surprise, surprise they're all the dv piece of crap series.
[citation][nom]vaughn2k[/nom]In China? Surely he will do the same scenario again.[/citation]
Harddrives crash, software closes unexpectedly.
This situation is nothing new, I have a Pavilion zd7010us that melted on me 2x and they handled it the same way(repaired 2x then melted 3 after warranty expiration). There was a class action suit as well. I use HP printers but their computers are junk. The problem was inferior solder which under full load would heat to the point of melting the connection to the motherboard. I'm sure the P4 heating element didn't help either! ;-D
"No wonder the economy is crap everything sold here is made somewhere else and in this case in a Communist society. So now we are indirectly supporting Communism while millions of Americans are unemployed. And the real irony is they expect us to buy the product. " Tinmann

True the economy is crap, but china is buying our debt to have the style of living that we have here. Also, you can't blame china for everything that is messed up with the economy, it is caused by poor polices and bills that were passed and obama is the same like every other president before him, spend,spend,spend. The iraq war is something that shouldn't be blamed on bush. EVERYONE in the country WANTED us to go to war, so he did the right thing cause we weren't going to sit back and not notice all the deaths from 9/11.
[citation][nom]tinmann[/nom]No wonder the economy is crap everything sold here is made somewhere else and in this case in a Communist society. So now we are indirectly supporting Communism while millions of Americans are unemployed. And the real irony is they expect us to buy the product.[/citation]
We elected a commie wannabe as president and they are tearing this country apart on purpose so they can install Socialism, wake up people.
It's about time someone "major" like the Chinese Government called out HP. Their laptops are complete junk, i.e. I went through 3 of them in 3 years and oddly enough, they all broke (motherboards and overheating) soon after the 1 year warranty expired.
And faulty printers. I tried the same model two different times in the same weekend and I was told twice by hp that it was defective hardware... Basically made me stop buying hp. Not worth the trouble shooting or the less than intelligent phone support
I don't know about all DV models having issue as I've got a DV8000t (Intel based with a nVidia 7600go) that I purchased nearly 4 years ago and it's still going strong. In fact, I just upgraded the CPU to a T7200. Maybe I've been lucky or just got a good one, can't say for sure. I do know that when I ordered it custom built, the DV9000's (which replaced it) were just coming out and they had a lot of reported issues (breaking power plugs, overheating, and broken hinges just to name a few), which is why I bought the older model instead. I do agree that the quality of their consumer grade laptops has definitely gone down over the past few years. However, the quality of their business grade laptops are still quite good, though often way overpriced.
not sure why everyone rips on products made from china. manufacterers go to china so they can reduce cost and make them more cost competitive. How many people are willing to buy a $700 laptop when they can get a same spec'd version for $500? IBM certainly *made* good, long lasting laptops, but not many people besides large corporations and institutions were willing to pay for it. (lets ignore apple for now...) BTW you can buy high quality products out of China, juss gotta pay for it (although most mfg's elect not to do so). Not saying China produces the best stuff, but its the *choice* of the mfg's to produce cheap stuff from China. US products arn't 'magically' better peoples. They're forced to a certain minimum standard that's higher than Chinas, which of course, costs more.
I wonder if these people even bought real HP computers or if they were imitation HP computers. If they are real at least the outer case anyways I wonder who they bought them from. China is notorious for selling 2nd hand laptop computers with a brand name logo but they strip out the inside and replace it with imitation junk and keep the original parts to make extra profit selling those. I agree with the first poster how it is ironic that it is Made in China, now they are starting to understand most of the world's frustrations of having to put up with the garbage products coming out of China's factories.
They switched the type of solder they used to meet European environmental standards, and they didn't take into account (accidentally or purposely?) that the cheap type of this solder wouldn't last. This is the same problem that caused all those XBox failures, and it's not limited to HP. Although HP laptops seem to be the worst offenders. Not sure whether that's because they used the cheapest environmentally friendly solder, or their laptop frames weren't very good and allowed more motherboard flexing. The flexing would cause earlier failures of solder connections.

The NVidia graphics chip isn't actually failing. You can actually fix the problem by reflowing the solder (works for about 3-4 months at best), or reballing (replacing the solder completely).

This is the info I found on Youtube.
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