Can I run ARK: Survival Evolved on the HP spectre 13.3, Intel Core i7 with Intel HD Graphics 520? I didn't know where to put this in so I tried my best and threw it in the best area I could find. At least Low graphics settings would be fine.
Try using the -sm4 , -dx10 , -lowmemory , -USEALLAVAILABLECORES , -nomansky options in the launch area. (You have to right click on the game and select launch options, there paste all these without the commas) It will take 20-30mnts for the game to start but it will be totally playable. Just that the graphics will be too low. Still being able to play the game is a real lot of fun. Tweak some more in the ingame settings by putting resolution scale in the middle, low shaders,texture detail in mediun or high. Have fun