I loved my Palm Treo. I loved my Palm Pre. I eventually had to switch to Android because there was no app support for WebOS, largely because there also was no hardware support for that absolutely garbage hunk of plastic. The OS was phenominal and I still miss it almost daily trying to use my Android handset, but Palm released it on junk equipment with no real support. HP bought it and did absolutely nothing with it, then destroyed what little confidence there was in the brand as fast as possible. Then they killed it, brought it back, killed it again, hinted that they wanted to revive it more, talked about selling it, held onto it, talked about killing it again, decided not to close that division, offered incentives to developers, and now want to kill it again, or maybe not.
Good god! I love WebOS, but I'm wishing they'd just kill it cleanly rather than defiling the corpse month after month.