HP-UX - Unable to log on to Console

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Aug 30, 2006
Anyone seen this before ?

Have an old HP-UX Server, one of the disks has died, so we want to get onto the console to do a backup before replacing the disk and restoring the system.

However, on the console, we cannot log on as 'root' with the password (though we could before, and we can via a telnet session). Also, and possibly connected, the password shows up in clear text, rather than being hidden.

Any ideas ?

It is possible that the system is setup now to not allow local virtual terminal logins, but that doesn't explain the echoing of the password when logging in. This is a more pressing issue, it makes me thing that for whatever reason the login session is not accepting the "root" username when you enter it. Unfortunately, I can't help much past that, just my gut feeling from my experience with other Unixes and Unix-like OS's.
Well, trial and error and fumbling blindly won the day. Seems that the terminal had various modes it could be in, and when block mode was turned off, the password was no longer in clear, and also worked !

Thanks for the advice, though.

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