Michael_3927 :
do you happen to have a link to the sticky, doesn't seem to come up for me, or i am searching wrong
sorry i got lazy, should have put it in my first comment.
The flashing lights are possibly a POST code telling you what is wrong. They would be documented in the PC troubleshooting section. If so the rate of flashing lights tells you what is wrong. These are called 'beep' codes becasue they are normally beeps not lights.
If the flashes are not beep codes, then In a nutshell,
1. pull all usb including keyboard off case... does it post? no continue leaving all usb disconnected
2. pull signal and power cables off all drives, does it post and say "no bootable drive", no leave drives off and conintue. yes - reseat connectors to drive and try again. drive may be bad or wires were not plugged in
3. pull video card. Does PC beep "no video" -- no- leave video out and conintue. Yes if so it was the video card keeping you from posting. Reseat the video card and make sure all power and signal connecters are right
4. pull memory. Does PC beep "no memory" ? IF so try one dimm at a time. If no then consider pulling MB out of the case, look for short between MB and case, look for crimped wire.
5. finally when you end up with just MB, power supply, CPU and cpu fan then you have to guess and swap parts. Hopefully you find it before you get here.
Goof Luck. More details in the sticky.