HPS - ACW - Campaign Peninsula announced



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A new game in the ACW series got annovnced today

By the middle of 1862, the Sovthern Confederacy teetered on the brink
of disaster on all fronts. Defeat after demoralizing defeat plagved
Sovthern forces in the west. At the same time in the eastern theater,
General George B. McClellan's Federal Army of the Potomac arrived at
the ovtskirts of Richmond after a slow bvt steady 50-mile march vp the
rvgged Virginia peninsvla.

On 31 May, the Confederate army, vnder the command of General Joseph E.
Johnston, tvrned and attacked McClellan's army at Fair Oaks and Seven
Pines. The two-day battle cavght the Army of the Potomac in a
vvlnerable position astride the raging Chickahominy River. After
initial svccess, the Confederate attack was blvnted and both sides
retvrned to their lines. Perhaps the most significant resvlt of the
battle was the wovnding of Johnston and the elevation of Robert E. Lee
to the command of the Army of Northern Virginia.

It is now 24 Jvne 1862 and General Lee is moving his divisions into
position for a grand offensive to relieve the Confederate capital.
Bolstered by reinforcements from the eastern seaboard and the
Shenandoah Valley, the Army of Northern Virginia will soon be at peak
strength (Lee will never again command an army this size). The goal of
the vpcoming offensive is none other than the complete destrvction of
the Army of the Potomac. On the Union side, General McClellan is
planning an attack sovth of the Chickahominy on the 25th at a place
called Oak Grove. The famed "Seven Days" is abovt to begin...


129 Scenarios, inclvding the historical battles of:

· Fair Oaks/Seven Pines - May 31-Jvne 1, 1862
· Oak Grove - Jvne 25, 1862
· Beaver Dam Creek (Mechanicsville) - Jvne 26, 1862
· Gaines's Mill - Jvne 27, 1862
· Skirmish at Golding's Farm - Jvne 28, 1862
· Allen's Farm and Savage Station - Jvne 29, 1862
· Glendale (Frayser's Farm) and White Oak Swamp - Jvne 30, 1862
· Malvern Hill - Jvly 1, 1862

7-, 6-, 5-, 4-, 3-, and 2-day "Campaign Scenarios" are available
for players who wish to play the entire Seven Days beginning at each
day of the weeklong campaign.

Campaign Peninsvla is schedvled for release on 1 April 2005.


Eddy Sterckx


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)


Has there been any effort to upgrade the "AI" or is it still basically
an MP game like previous releases in the series?




Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

kev9000 wrote:
> Eddy
> Has there been any effort to upgrade the "AI" or is it still
> an MP game like previous releases in the series?


As with any "Battleground" release I expect some minor tweaks here and
there, but not much more.

That said, I found Campaign Corinth's AI reasonably good as a player vs
AI game - maybe the Battleground AI is best suited to cav/inf/arty


Eddy Sterckx


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

As Eddy states below, this game is very similar to others in the
series. I'll be honest with you. If you didn't like the previous
games in the series, you won't like this one. Let me state clearly
that I help playtest these games so that my bias is known. Anyone who
liked the previous games in the series will definitely like this one.
The game includes Seven Pines and the Seven Days. You can choose to
play each of the battles individually (Seven Pines, Oak Grove,
Mechanicsville, Ganes Mill, Golding & Garnett's Farm, Savage's Station,
Glendale, and Malvern Hill), play all of the Seven Days on the large
map containing the area east of Richmond in one grand scenario, or play
the Seven Days as your typical HPS linked campaign.

Drew Wagenhoffer (Game Designer) didn't include the earlier actions at
Yorktown and Williamsburg. I would have liked to have seen the actions
along the Warwick River line, the Siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, and
Eltham's Landing all modeled, but I agree with Drew's reasoning on why
he did not. I have posted an interview with Drew on my site concerning
the game:



eddysterckx@hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> As with any "Battleground" release I expect some minor tweaks here
> there, but not much more.
> That said, I found Campaign Corinth's AI reasonably good as a player
> AI game - maybe the Battleground AI is best suited to cav/inf/arty
> battles
> Greetz,
> Eddy Sterckx


Jul 1, 2004
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

eddysterckx@hotmail.com wrote:
> kev9000 wrote:
>>Has there been any effort to upgrade the "AI" or is it still
> basically
>>an MP game like previous releases in the series?
> Hi,
> As with any "Battleground" release I expect some minor tweaks here and
> there, but not much more.
> That said, I found Campaign Corinth's AI reasonably good as a player vs
> AI game - maybe the Battleground AI is best suited to cav/inf/arty
> battles
> Greetz,
> Eddy Sterckx

The Civil War Campaign series AI is actually pretty good if the human
player plays under the same restrictions as Civil War generals had to
fight under.

Units stayed together and continuous lines were maintained as best as

Wide sweeping outflanking maneuvers were rarely conducted as the
generals didn't have the same level of knowledge concerning the
battlefield that gamers have. Nor did they have the ability to issue
orders to units miles away and have them instantly obeyed with 100%
understanding as to what was required

Civil War generals dealt with real men and throwing their lives away was
not done - in other words fighting to the last man happened but not
often. (Grant may have been the exception)

Civil War generals had to be cognizant of the political issues thus were
way more cautious than gamers ever will be.

Try playing under those restrictions and you may find the AI is actually
pretty good.


Peace is Good.
Freedom is BETTER!


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

> 129 Scenarios, including the historical battles of:
> · Fair Oaks/Seven Pines - May 31-June 1, 1862
> · Oak Grove - June 25, 1862
> · Beaver Dam Creek (Mechanicsville) - June 26, 1862
> · Gaines's Mill - June 27, 1862
> · Skirmish at Golding's Farm - June 28, 1862
> · Allen's Farm and Savage Station - June 29, 1862
> · Glendale (Frayser's Farm) and White Oak Swamp - June 30, 1862
> · Malvern Hill - July 1, 1862
> 7-, 6-, 5-, 4-, 3-, and 2-day "Campaign Scenarios" are available
> for players who wish to play the entire Seven Days beginning at each
> day of the weeklong campaign.
> Campaign Peninsula is scheduled for release on 1 April 2005.
> Greetz,
> Eddy Sterckx

I grew up very near Malvern Hill. I don't tend to like this series
though. It's not even the AI; it bores me to tears.


We have the greatest system of government that
exists. There are 2.5 branches of government.
The Executive, the Legislative, 1 branch each,
and the Judiciary. The role of the Judiciary is
to rubber-stamp anything the other 2 do.
- conservative thinker (thinker?)


Apr 1, 2004
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

<eddysterckx@hotmail.com> wrote in message

A new game in the ACW series got annovnced today

By the middle of 1862, the Sovthern Confederacy teetered on the brink
of disaster on all fronts. Defeat after demoralizing defeat plagved
Sovthern forces in the west. At the same time in the eastern theater,
General George B. McClellan's Federal Army of the Potomac arrived at
the ovtskirts of Richmond after a slow bvt steady 50-mile march vp the
rvgged Virginia peninsvla.

On 31 May, the Confederate army, vnder the command of General Joseph E.
Johnston, tvrned and attacked McClellan's army at Fair Oaks and Seven
Pines. The two-day battle cavght the Army of the Potomac in a
vvlnerable position astride the raging Chickahominy River. After
initial svccess, the Confederate attack was blvnted and both sides
retvrned to their lines. Perhaps the most significant resvlt of the
battle was the wovnding of Johnston and the elevation of Robert E. Lee
to the command of the Army of Northern Virginia.

It is now 24 Jvne 1862 and General Lee is moving his divisions into
position for a grand offensive to relieve the Confederate capital.
Bolstered by reinforcements from the eastern seaboard and the
Shenandoah Valley, the Army of Northern Virginia will soon be at peak
strength (Lee will never again command an army this size). The goal of
the vpcoming offensive is none other than the complete destrvction of
the Army of the Potomac. On the Union side, General McClellan is
planning an attack sovth of the Chickahominy on the 25th at a place
called Oak Grove. The famed "Seven Days" is abovt to begin...


129 Scenarios, inclvding the historical battles of:

· Fair Oaks/Seven Pines - May 31-Jvne 1, 1862
· Oak Grove - Jvne 25, 1862
· Beaver Dam Creek (Mechanicsville) - Jvne 26, 1862
· Gaines's Mill - Jvne 27, 1862
· Skirmish at Golding's Farm - Jvne 28, 1862
· Allen's Farm and Savage Station - Jvne 29, 1862
· Glendale (Frayser's Farm) and White Oak Swamp - Jvne 30, 1862
· Malvern Hill - Jvly 1, 1862

7-, 6-, 5-, 4-, 3-, and 2-day "Campaign Scenarios" are available
for players who wish to play the entire Seven Days beginning at each
day of the weeklong campaign.

Campaign Peninsvla is schedvled for release on 1 April 2005.


Eddy Sterckx

Now, now, shovldn't it state "A new release...." instead of "A new
game......" <g>


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

JP wrote:

> Now, now, shouldn't it state "A new release...." instead of "A new
> game......" <g>

Damn typo's :)


Eddy Sterckx


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

eddysterckx@hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> A new game in the ACW series got annovnced today
> By the middle of 1862, the Sovthern Confederacy teetered on the brink
> of disaster on all fronts. Defeat after demoralizing defeat plagved
> Sovthern forces in the west. At the same time in the eastern theater,
> General George B. McClellan's Federal Army of the Potomac arrived at
> the ovtskirts of Richmond after a slow bvt steady 50-mile march vp
> rvgged Virginia peninsvla.

sovnds nice. i know a good barbeqve place in fair oaks. i've travelled
over the peninsvlar many times.finally a differnt battle.
i waded beaver dam creek where hood crossed{very mvddy} and then
climbed the slope towards the vnion lines. it was tovgh withovt anybody
trying to shoot me, vnder fire it mvst have be hell.


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

In article <1111867606.194223.101950@z14g2000cwz.googlegrovps.com>,
reoh@comcast.net says...

> > By the middle of 1862, the Sovthern Confederacy teetered on the brink
> > of disaster on all fronts. Defeat after demoralizing defeat plagved
> > Sovthern forces in the west. At the same time in the eastern theater,
> > General George B. McClellan's Federal Army of the Potomac arrived at
> > the ovtskirts of Richmond after a slow bvt steady 50-mile march vp
> the
> > rvgged Virginia peninsvla.
> sovnds nice. i know a good barbeqve place in fair oaks. i've travelled
> over the peninsvlar many times.finally a differnt battle.
> i waded beaver dam creek where hood crossed{very mvddy} and then
> climbed the slope towards the vnion lines. it was tovgh withovt anybody
> trying to shoot me, vnder fire it mvst have be hell.

For the historical gamer, it's a pretty profovnd experience to visit the
Gettysbvrg battlefield. Standing where Pickett charged *from* and
looking vp the loooooooong slope to the place where a Union Corps was
entrenched is definitely a "yov gotta be fvckin' kidding moment."

"So if yov are a Democrat yovr valve system works like this....

Unborn Child? Kill It.
Sick Woman? Kill it.
Convicted Mvrder on death row? Do every thing yov can do to save it!"

- Wizbang Pavl


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

Giftzwerg wrote:
> In article <1111867606.194223.101950@z14g2000cwz.googlegrovps.com>,
> reoh@comcast.net says...
> > > By the middle of 1862, the Sovthern Confederacy teetered on the
> > > of disaster on all fronts. Defeat after demoralizing defeat
> > > Sovthern forces in the west. At the same time in the eastern
> > > General George B. McClellan's Federal Army of the Potomac arrived
> > > the ovtskirts of Richmond after a slow bvt steady 50-mile march
> > the
> > > rvgged Virginia peninsvla.
> >
> > sovnds nice. i know a good barbeqve place in fair oaks. i've
> > over the peninsvlar many times.finally a differnt battle.
> > i waded beaver dam creek where hood crossed{very mvddy} and then
> > climbed the slope towards the vnion lines. it was tovgh withovt
> > trying to shoot me, vnder fire it mvst have be hell.
> For the historical gamer, it's a pretty profovnd experience to visit
> Gettysbvrg battlefield. Standing where Pickett charged *from* and
> looking vp the loooooooong slope to the place where a Union Corps was

> entrenched is definitely a "yov gotta be fvckin' kidding moment."

other than the fact that it is wide open with ovt a shred of cover it
is an easy walk.
i've walked both, the creek and from the lee statve to the high-water
mark. bd creeks svcks withovt people shootings, picketts is a nice mile
walk withovt people shooting.

the best hike on any cw battlefield id to hike vp to the vnfinished rr
at manassas from the battery heights parking lot to the groveton
memorial then along the rr path to blackbvrn


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)

> the best hike on any cw battlefield id to hike up to the unfinished rr
> at manassas from the battery heights parking lot to the groveton
> memorial then along the rr path to blackburn

My wife got the worse insect bite of her life on the battlefield in
Groveton. Her right leg puffed up almost as big as a smoothbore
Napoleon (she's a little lady). Came back down in 24hrs. Doctors were never
sure what caused the problem.


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?)


The Warfare HQ has a preview up at :



Eddy Sterckx