HTC Developing Own Smartphone Operating System

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From other sites one can learn that the Chinese govt. is involved in this new OS development. That alone clarifies that this OS is solely intended for Chinese market, not international.
So no, this is NOT an attempt to launch an entirely new OS worldwide. Remain calm, people. I suspect this one will also be based on Android (if I remember correctly I read about it somewhere else), but it will be only directed towards the Chinese market.

I was thinking "cause that worked so well for Nokia and Blackberry", but now it makes sense. Chinese market alone is big enough to justify this, and their government is the big brother type, so it makes perfect sense.
I hope HTC is careful about what they are doing, especially if they plan on using Android as a base. Acer found out that while Google is happy to help any company and to give their programs open-source do NOT break their rules. One wrong move by HTC and Google could be gone leaving them stranded.

Seriously! We have iOS, Android, Ubunutu Phone, Windows Phone 8, Firefox OS, Blackberry 10, the list goes on. Make it stop already!!
Seeing as China has 14% of the worlds population, if they all went HTC over the combined others they could potentially grab 2nd place in the world and still not sell a single handset outside their own country. China is a huge market.
If they are smart about it, it should not be an issue. I don't understand why Windows Phone is not doing better considering its a C# implementation. Windows Phone should have a .NET framework built into it so it should be easy to take a Java or Visual Basic app and bring it into Windows Phone.
If HTC does similar and makes it easy to import Java, Visual Basic, and C#. There should be no reason for the OS to be useful.
The only problem is if Google or Apple used processes that are specific for iOS or Android which I suspect to be the case. There really should not be an issue of implementing another languages programs into Windows Phone unless Google or Apple artificially block them by the way they give access to the graphics, sound, and touch inputs.
I'm guessing this new OS will just be AOSP with a new store,HTC apps and a skin plastered on it. Similar to what Amazon did with their Kindle OS.
As usual, when something works great...someone with smooth brain surface decide to see why and how he could change that!
They don`t even learn from others mistakes (see Nokia near bancruptcy with it`s new OS...saved by the alliance with windows and low quality lumia devices)

It's more about the Chinese government wanting to be the only one who does spy on Chinese citizens (and anyone who buys these phones), no one wants to be number 2.
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